Water has a memory and Intelligence of its own!

Water is so important. More important then only for bathing and drinking.

More then 70% of our body is filled with water.

More then 70% of the world is filled with water.

Our connection with water is super important.

I’ve been guided to water constantly.

I also lived a lot of past lives near water, almost all of them. I lived a lot of my past lives on islands and my lives had everything to do with water.

Everything in my life is guiding me to it still. I feel a strong connection with it. Even songs are guiding me towards water. I wrote earlier about that here.

Water is very intelligent and has a memory. I also wrote earlier about that here and Masaru Emoto. (this blog is in Dutch)

I drink only water on a day. Sometimes I drink a green tea or a tea with fresh mint, but mostly I drink only water on a day.

Every glass of water I drink, I first bless, thank and love. I hold it with love and talk to it.

Even my kettle has a paper and a message on it that sais ‘’Gratitude and Love’’.

Every water I drink is blessed with love and gratitude before I drink it.

You don’t have to filter your water if you bless it and fill it with gratitude and love.

Everything costs money nowadays.

This is a free way to still drink the highest quality water possible if you live in the western world or where you dont have access to a clear water source from the mountains or the money to buy all those filtersystems and crystals etcetera.

Divine Love is the Highest power in the world and you can fill every water with this.

When I go in the shower I talk to the water. Only positive loving words and thank and bless it with my Love.

I only listen to Loving music so that the water don’t gets poisoned by other lower vibrations.

The water will then be of the highest connections of Divine Love and highest vibrations. It will heal and nourish you.

I even bless my morning green smoothie every morning, that it is filled with the highest quality and all the vitamins and minerals and it is the best for my body.

I also do this to all the other foods I eat.

I bless it, thank it and love it. And the more conscious I am of every bite, the more I am loving it.

The next step for me is to bless all the water, where I am going to swim or bath in. That is so important. Water has a memory of everything that was in it. Refill it with the best good loving thoughts. Water can really heal. It has amazing healing effects and much more. This goes decades ago.

 I also saw it in my past lives even in the earliest lives I’ved lived. Then they new much more about the intelligence of water then now.

Water has an intelligence.

More then 70% of your body is filled with water. I already wrote about it, but I will emphasize it even more here.

The water in your body listens to you. It has a memory of every vibratrion of thought, feeling, touch etcetera from you towards your body.

Mostly they are or were negative.

Now you can change it.

If you want to change your life, your environment, your health and much more?

You can already start with talking different to the water in your body.

The connection with the water in your body has to be loving. Then it will help you.

Water can become poisones and you don’t want that.

It is super important to re-establish a loving relationship with the water in your body.

Your body is three-quarters filled with water, so that is how important it is.

Forgive yourself. Thank yourself.

See and feel how magnificient your body is!

You are so worthy! You are so beautiful.

Talk the most loving thoughts and words to your body.

Feel and touch your body lovingly.

Drink only blessed water filled with Divine Love.

Hold your hand above your water and bless it or just hold it and say it.

You can say it, but with an intention it will already work.

You are Divine. Everything is already in you.

Make your relationship with water much better and more conscious and it will boost your health so much. It will boost your health holisticly at all levels.

At a physical, mental, emotional and spititual level.

¾ of the world is water and also in your body.

So start with this conscious relationship and connection with water and this will be a new start of a more healed and loving new life.

This is the way to boost your health now. Treat your body as a Divine tempel because it is!

Do you want help with enhancing your life on a holistical level? At a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level? Or do you want a personal reading about what is most important in your life now or about past lives? Send an email to jamievousten@gmail.com and we will look together what the best guidance for you is. How we can work together.

Have an amazing beautiful day and treat your Divine Body Tempel well.



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