It will bring you the most magical things happening on your path.
Open your eyes and open your heart and surrender.

Follow your guidance.
Divine, Angels, Spiritguides or AnimalSpirits or even Tree Spirits will guide you on your path.
This happened today. And this happened all in 1,5 hours.
But I live those days constantly.
My friend just said ‘’Even if you are going for a ‘’normal’’ walk things are happening.
Because I completely surrender every moment to the Divine and let Her guide me, there is constantly things happening in my life.
My life is never ‘’normal’’ and will be never ‘’Normal’’. And I also don’t want that.
I choose to live a magical life full of amazing adventures and joyfull experiences. I choose constantly transformation to a Higher Being of Light. I am already that, but living that more every moment.
What happened today, (in the 1,5 hours in the afternoon)?
I just went out for a walk, because Divine guided me to walk outside. I was guided towards the forests so I thought I was going there. But when I stood before the forest, I was guided to go to right. So now I walked near te forests, but not go in there.
It is a beautiful sunny day(in a rainy week), so it was important to get my Sunlight and Vitamine D.
I was guided in every crossway to go straight ahead or right or left.
It was a beautiful walk and it guided me to a beautiful park. In this Park I was guided to take a photo of the beautiful nature and sun on the back.
When I made this picture, I saw a little green orb of light and around it was a bigger circle of energy. It was beautiful. I got the message that this was a Spirit. And I saw it was following me everywhere. I made a lot of pictures of it.
After that I asked who it was and it was my Guardian Angel Tom, who is always with me.
So beautiful.
After that I went furter and made more pictures and he was on all of them. He is always watching over me, guiding and protecting me. Loving me. So beautiful!
Then was guided to another park and in that park I was guided of the path into the field. And when I walked, a tree was calling my attention. So I went up there and when I came close my attention was guided up and then I saw this beautiful ladybug.
A week ago I’ve had an shamanic journey where the AnimalSpirit of a ladybug came into my journey with a beautiful message. Now it had another message, but I knew it when I came home later.
But at that moment, I saw this Ladybug needed healing. His wings were all distorted. So I gave him a healing and blessed him. It was a him. Thank you Ladybug for this message.
Then I was called to this tree and I got the message to stand against it with my back and feel its energy and listen to her message. And when I stood there I’ve got the sun right in my face. It came through the branches. It was beautiful. But then I became emotional and felt a little sad. It wasn’t mine. This was the tree I connected with. And I still was standing against it.
The tree told me that it was sad, because of all the things happening with the world, with the earth and trees. What humans are doing with it.
So it was my job also to increase the consciousness of the people, so that they are more in love and that they take good care of the earth instead of what they are doing now.
So this was the message.
And it is also funny, that just almost an hour ago, I bought a waste grab(dont know if this is the right pronouncing, but it doesn’t matter). A thing where you can grab waste from the streets, so you can clean them. I bought it to clean the streets and nature with my daughter. To give her the best example and help the planet, Mother Earth.
So there are more ways to help the planet.
After the ladybug and the tree I was guided further on my walk. It was a super nice interesting walk.
Then I saw two times in a row a wurm a front of my feet. I knew this was a message from the AnimalSpirit wurms.
So I also got in to that.
And I found the message that completely resonates again, with my path now.
At this moment the last weeks, I am releasing all old stuff that doesn’t serve me anymore and make room for new good stuff.
So a lot transformations happened last weeks. An Immens intens but loving proces. I did also a lot Emotion Code sessions again, to release old baggage. For more info look here. And I’ve written a lot of blogs about it. Here is one and one linked with LOA.
And a week ago I’ve had a kundalini-awakening and so much more.
My life is never dull. And I really love my life.
When you completely surrender to Divine, you completely go with the flow and lots of magic and positive things happening.
Synchronicity everywhere.
Nothing but really nothing happens by accident. There are no coincidences.
Everything has a meaning. Everything.
So after the wurms, I was guided home. And when I was home and made my lunch I was guided to eat my lunch in the sun at the balcony.
And I went outside and I saw a thing laying on the ground, I took it and there was another ladybug on it.
It was another sign. I got into channeling and always looking up some things, and found the message, that really resonates with me. Sometimes the message comes through, sometimes I look up some things and words are talking to me.
This was again so beautiful and exactly the message that I needed to hear now at this moment. So thank you!!!
Wow and this all happened in 1,5 hours.
This is my life.
This can also be your life if you are following your guidance.
Not the things that are happening to me, because every life is unique and your purpose is unique.
But I mean if you completely surrender to Divine, you will be guided towards signs and messages and synchronicity everwhere.
You are never alone. Angels, Spiritguides and AnimalSpirits are always there for you.
Open your eyes and Your heart and you will hear them.
Have an amazing beautiful day!!
A lot more happened today, but I am not going to share literally everything that happens everyday. Because in my life, that is a lot. Hihihi
But this I was guided again to share with you.
So enjoy this beautiful amazing magical sunny day and till next!
I love you!! Keep shining!!!
Much Love,
If you want a Emotion Code session or want a Personal Reading about whatever is happening in your life, or if you want a live Coaching in nature, send me an email to and I will contact you.
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