Things went fastests ever!!!

It started when I choose to completely surrender my life to Divine.
I always believed that Divine and your Higher Self knows what is best for you.
So when you give your life to Divine, It will lead you.
Its like a child holding hands with their parents to guide them anywhere.
The ego, personal self think it knows better and wants to do it by itself.
Then comes the struggle and pain and suffering.
The moment you let go and completely surrender, everything will change.
Everything will!
So a couple of months ago, I did not know what to do with my life. I was searching and fearfull and insecure. It was a moment of chaos again. This always happens before the big positive changes.
But then I thought now is the moment to completely surrender to Divine and it changed everything.
I jumped into the deep unknown.
Before I surrendered to Divine but sometimes I didn’t.
It changed when I surrendered completely.
I trusted the Divine Masterplan and asked Divine in every moment what to do.
I let go of personal self.
I was guided to do readings for people. And at that moment I was doing it sometimes and still had my personal self in it.
But When I was guided to do channelings professionally, I just did it.
I completely trusted that when someone asked for help, I would get the answers to come through.
It was taking a risk and trusting the not knowing.
Then the answers came ofcourse. Very clear.
And after reading after reading, the confidence keep building that Divine will come through and share the truth to help others.
So now a couple of months later I did around 500 readings/channelings or so and people are keep coming back for more, because it resonates.
After I started channeling Divine professionally, I started doing this for friends and family and for myself.
Then more opened up. I could ask Divine everything and get answers.
Then immediatly after that I got guided into the Akashic Records and so much information about most of my past lives came in details.
And after that also in details about my purpose and future. In exact details what is going to happen.
Clear visions started also during daytime, but also in my dreams.
In details Divine is talking to me what I need to do in my dreams about my waking life. Sometimes about things about past lives or about the past in this life. Karma I need to clear or some steps to take.
And mostly things about the now and future, what steps to take.
Everytime I follow these steps it creates even more magic and miracles in my life.
And sometimes these are difficult steps, or from a earthy personal identity perspective difficult, but I still do them. Because I believe Divine knows what is best for me. An example is cutting cords with someone I love but have to let go.
And the evidence, signs, synchronicity and blessings keep coming, so I keep listening to Divine.
I also believe when it feels light it is the truth and when it feels heavy, it isnt. And this all feels light and loving. And also it resonates completely. It is a knowing inside.
So I keep following that.
During the day I keep getting guidance in every moment and also during the nights.
I now know more who I am and why I am here.
There were also a lot of times when I got visitations during the night from the highest lightbeings from other planets, like Pleiadiens and Siriuspeople to help me remembering my purpose here on earth.
This was very special and that is also why I keep doing this. I have to and want to.
After that there was also a lot of clearing from old karma and I did a couple of Shamanic Journeys with Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau. A lot of things happened.
And one time I saw my Spiritanimal in a Shamanic journey and it was a Serpent. And it was amazing and it was spiraling around me. At that moment I thought ‘’huh a snake.’’ I did not get it.
But afterwards I knew it immediatly because I got an Kundalini-awakening. I wrote a blog about it.
This was mega intens but so beautiful.
I still feels amazing and every day I feel it.
Before I got a lot of tantrical orgasms, this went from up to down. I can get it instantly in every moment. There are energy downloads and I call them tantrical orgasms.
But since the kundalini-awakening, I also get energy rushes up/ tantrical orgasms up as I call them. Joe Dispenza calls them Brainorgasms, because they shoot from down up through the spine into the brain and in an instant my brainwaves are in Gamma.
I also can start this consciously every moment. But it is really intens to be in Gamma brainwaves constantly. I can choose to have it when I want.
Then after that I did a method from Drunvalo Melchizedek and I got a Heartorgasm as it called. And then my Pineal Gland activated completely and is always. So my heart is always open now and my third eye always active.
So thats why I now see a lot every day and get so profound information about my past lives, now and future. And also every night in my dreams.
Then even more happened.
And it is now 29 december 2020 and it all started in the end of august 2020. So everything happened really fast in 4 months time.
I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and I released all of my emotional bagage before when I started and removed my heartwall. And I test people and myself with muscle-testing.
A lot of things changed about this.
When I was a kid I always had things going on in my body and all of my life I’ve hade food allergys.
Before, I always knew it wasn’t good for me after I ate something, because I felt it in my body.
After doing the Emotion Code I could also test it with muscle-testing.
And now, now so much changed, I get it channeled through in my head and heart already if something is good or not. Also for others. And I can feel it with my hands above it.
So all of my sixth senses are fully working together to read and feel something. And I believe and feel it is still growing.
Then more things changed extremely.
Divine woke me up one night in the middle of the night and said that I had to write.
So I asked, ‘’Huh, what do I need to write then?’’ And It said ‘’Automatic writing’’’.
And I’ve had visions of that and knew that one time I would do it, but did not do it yet.
Then I took some paper and pen and waited. And in an instant my hand started writing and the words came.
In a couple of minutes I wrote a Love Poem. I was completely flabbergasted. It said, that I had to go on and write more.
That night I wrote 4 lovepoems. It was beautiful and so profound. It was magic.
This was the start of the automatic writing of my book that I am almost every night writing. Only when Divine wakes me up. I never set a alarm.
I know that I am guided always, so I completely surrender to Divine.
That first night I went back to bed and something extreme happened. I won’t go into that here.
But the poems I’ve written were exactly the words, the advice of Divine that I needed that night.
This was the start of Divine giving me messages through automatic writing.
Then after a while in another vision, I saw I was also going to do automatic speaking and that I had to record it on camera and share it.
Automatic speaking is channeling. And I channel Divine. I got the message from the beginning that I will only channel Divine and my Higher Self and no other beings.
And for me channeling is more a conversation when someone asks me questions and channel the answers. And automatic speaking is more the same for me as automatic writing. No one is asking. Divine is channeling messages through me.
So I feel amazingly blessed to be guided always. I truly believe that Divine knows best for me, so I lay my hands in Divine.
And I still feel and believe that this is just the beginning. I feel that really strongly. So I know that still a lot of things are going to happen.
But I won’t choose fear. I choose love. I believe that Divine will carry me, guide me through everything that is happening.
So that I can live my purpose fully, be of service fully.
To be the Light of Love.
To Create Heaven on earth!
So be it!
I always said and knew that the year 2020 would be a year of transformation and in combination that I was 33 years old(numbers fascinate me and also talk to me a lot), would be a magical combination and that it would be amazing.
And it is.
And I believe that everything will be better each day. Every year will be a better year.
For me the year 2020 was the best year of my life.
I am the happiest ever!
And believe that it will become even more greater and magical and fantastic.
So year 2021 and the rest that is coming, I AM READY!!
Thank you for all the amazing magical years coming.
I am just getting started.
This is just the beginning!
So be it!!!!
I just now remembered that before everything started I wrote about earlier here, is that I started communicating with my Angels and Ascended Masters a lot more. So even that opened up much more.
I now know which Guardian Angels are always with me and what Spiritguide is always near me, around me to guide, help me and protect me.
This all helped me a lot, going through a lot of new things happening so that I felt safe and loved in every moment.
I wish you to a magical life full of blessing!
And I believe it will happen when you completely surrender to Divine. But you always have a choice. That is the Free will you have.
So what do you choose?
Much love,
If you need help in your life. Clarity about things happening in the now or things coming in the future, then book a reading. Or do you want to get rid of all of your emotional baggage? Send me an email. Or more info here and see all the things where I can help you with.