‘’You are so worth it and loved!’’

There are some quotes that are important for Jamie all of her life. She sais it made her who she is today and she wants to share this with you.
”Everything is possible!”
‘‘Never never ever give up!” Winston Churchill
”Prepare yourself, so that you can be a rainbow in the clouds of others!” Maya Angelou
”When your cup is full, it can overflow!” Oprah Winfrey

”Dare to live, until the very last
Dare to live, forget about the past
Dare to live, giving something of yourself to others
Even when it seems there’s nothing more left to give
Vivere, nessuno mai ce l’ha insegnato
Vivere, non si può vivere senza passato
Vivere è bello anche se non l’hai chiesto mai
Una canzone ci sarà, qualcuno che la canterà”
(Songtekst Andrea Bocelli and Laura Pausini)

Why working with Jamie?
Jamie’s superpowers are
Shining Bright, uplifting others and empowering them and taking them with her in her powerful exciting, magical, joyeus and miraculous ways of living and her energy as a Channel for Lovetransmissions.
And because she has bin through so much challenges all of her life since whe was born on such a variety of themes in life, she can help improve the wellbeing on so many levels. On the physical level, emotional level, mental level and the spiritual/energetical level.
Jamie is a Channel. She gives energytransmissions in the form of love, messages, healings, clearings, whatever she is been guided to in that moment, in supporting you on your journey.
She is Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairknowing /Claircognizant. She is an Author, a Speaker, a Psychic, an Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and a SelfloveTeacher.
And she knows all about the law of attraction. Transformed her whole life. Worked for years as a Law of attractionTeacher/ LOA.
Jamie manifested miracle after miracle in her life. She manifested multiple dreamhouses, cars, relationships, won many things. She lives a life of extremes. Highs and lows. And her superpower is being grateful for all of it!
Jamie has overcome all those extreme challenges, bounching back more resiliënt and gained so much more wisdom, knowledge and tools how to overcome all of those challenges and inspire others and share this now with you to support and empower you on your journey!
She has so much inner drive and is using all her superpower abilities and is now ready to remind others of their super power abilities to overcome all in life and make life such an amazing powerful, exciting, joyfull, adventurous, passionate, loving, healthy, wealthy, miraculous ride!
Are you ready to take this journey with Jamie?

”Open the door to your heart and the magic of life will open up to you!”