Are you ready to manifest your dreamlife?
My mission is to reconnect people with their beingness of love. You are love. We are all Love. All One. One and the same and unique. We are all here for LOVE.
The moment you start giving yourself the best on every level in your life, magic starts to happen. Your life starts to work for you. Everything comes with more ease, flow and grace.
You are here to live a miraculous abundant life in all ways.
You are here to live a life without all the stuck emotions in your body, that is preventing you from the life that you want to live.
99% of all the things happening in your life are attracted by the subconscious instead of what is happening on the conscious level. Most people focus only on the mindset and on changing the things on the conscious level. This is only less than 1% of what is ruling your life.
That is why so many people start manifesting, hear about ”The Secret” or ”The law of attraction” and they say that it doesn’t work.
The law of attraction does work, but you have to know about the subconscious program that is running the show!”
You cannot manifest your dreamlife with only focussing on the mental part, with positive affirmations and visualizing and so on. You completely miss the most important part.
And that is the 99% that is running the show and keep on attracting all the things you don’t want in your life.
And also you are a psychical being and an energetical spiritual being. This is also important to look at.
This is why so many fail at manifesting!!!
That is why the Mission of Love Academy can help you so greatly!
We are going to work on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body and so much more.
And then you will become a MASTER OF MANIFESTATION!
Do you want to know how we can help you? See here Services or send an email and we will figure it out, what will help you the most and fastest.
”Transform your life with Love!’’
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