
‘’You are so worth it and loved!’’

Meditating in Ibiza

There are some quotes that are with me all of my life. I will share them with you. They made me who I am today.

”Everything is possible!”

‘Never never ever give up!” Winston Churchill

”Prepare yourself, so that you can be a rainbow in the clouds of others!” Maya Angelou

When your cup is full, it can overflow!” Oprah Winfrey

”Dare to live, until the very last
Dare to live, forget about the past
Dare to live, giving something of yourself to others
Even when it seems there’s nothing more left to give

Vivere, nessuno mai ce l’ha insegnato
Vivere, non si può vivere senza passato
Vivere è bello anche se non l’hai chiesto mai
Una canzone ci sarà, qualcuno che la canterà”

(Songtekst Andrea Bocelli and Laura Pausini)

I am Channeling Divine/ Angels and Galactic Messages. I am an Oracle, an Author, a Speaker, a Psychic, an Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and a SelfloveTeacher. I am Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairknowing /Claircognizant.

And I know all about the law of attraction. Manifested miracle after miracle in my life for years now. Transformed my whole life. Worked for years as a Law of attractionTeacher/ LOA.

”Open the door to your heart and the magic of life will open up to you”

#missionofloveacademy #jamievousten #lawofattraction #awakening #channeling #enlightenment #love #selflove #selfworth #selfcare #awake #oracle #psychic #joy #abundance #certifiedemotioncodepractitioner #emotioncodepractitioner #emotioncode #loa #higherconsciousness #trust #totalsurrender #surrender #Divine #channel #transformation #changetheworld #makeanimpact #legacy #embodyment #healing #thelawofattraction #theemotioncode #missionofloveacademy #beauty #health #freedom #inthemoment #vegan #mindfullmom #automatocspeaking #automaticwriting #divinity #divinelove #bestversionofourselves #beingness #lightoflove #surrendering #followyourjoy #gratitude #synchronicity #consciousness #channelingdivine #divinemessages #clairsentient #clairsentience #clairvoyant #clairvoyance # clairaudience #clairaudient #clairknowing #manifest #manifestmagic #5d #ascension #divineguidance #angels #clearchannel #soulmanifestation #lawattractioncoach #highervibes #frequency #expanding #growing #evolving #expandingconsciousness #manifestationcoach #transforminglives #spiritualwisdom #eternity #exist #infinite #invincible #unstoppable #unfuckwithable #spiritualbeings #lightbeings #powerofthought #innerguidance #innercompass #intuition #thehigherself #higherself #vibration #highervibration #affirmation #prayers #incantations #selfaware #universaltruth #1111 #111 #333 #555 #444 #2020 #222 #888 #777 #999 #higherperspective #motivation #fullfillment #manifesting #manifestingdreamlife #thelawofattractiondoeswork #galacticmessages #ets #highlyevolvedlovingbeings