Observe life and live from the Heart

All emotions are there for a purpose. A purpose to be felt and expressed through you.

Don’t judge and label lower vibrational feelings like anger, sadness, shame or guilt as bad. They just are. (Read this last blog that I wrote about it.)

Become the observer.

Take a step back.

”Go sit in your heart and watch your life from that safe place.”

This will help you thoughout life, to not identify with all your thoughts and emotions.

All the problems and issues in life exist, because people are identified with all their thoughts and emotions, that become beliefs. Those beliefsystems create a complete identity that is build on the stories that make a person.

Life is full of challenges and they will never stop. Challenges are part of the game of life. The Soul chooses for every life to evolve, grow, expand and ascend. Challenges are ways to evolve quickly and sometimes massively.

If we would not grow or evolve, life has no purpose to exist, because this is its purpose. And so the Soul chooses all kinds of challenges during our lifetimes. Every thing in existance experiences challenges, even the plants and animals and so many more.

Be present in your heart and so in your body as much as possible on a day. This will help you with not identifying with thoughts and emotions as they pass by.

”This will make you more resiliënt and stronger.”

You will live your Divine Greatness when you live from the heart and from Presence in you.

This will help you manifest your dreamlife and feel longlasting joy in yourself. No matter what challenges Life throws at you. No matter what challenges you are facing outside of you.

The Power is within. The true power is in your heart and in Presence, the essence of what you truly are.

From living from the heart, you will take this inner joy, inner happiness, inner peace, inner fulfillment and contentment with you in every moment.

”Now you don’t need things or people in the outside world to complete you.”

Now you are in your full power.

Now you are living your Greatness.

You are fully connected with your true essence, with your true power from within. Your Divinity.

”You are now going to

live your

Divine Greatness.”

You are Presence.

You are loving awareness.

You are Divine Love.

When there is a lot going on outside in your life, you feel stressed and not safe. You are acting from your survivalsystem.

”You feel safe again, when you shift to your calm and contentsystem.”

There are many ways to come here, who I am describing in other blogs and in my products, courses and services, but I will give you here some tips.

When you become present, go sit in your heart, in this safe haven. Make a picture for yourself. Visualize a chair in your spiritual heart and go sit in here and watch life from this observer place within your body.

Every time when you focus on sitting on this chair in your heart, you are completely safe and calm. This place makes you feel content, safe and joyful, in an instant. This is your safe haven and where all the true power is.

Be present in your heart and observe life from this safe and calm place. Nothing can touch you in this place. You have this with you always. You feel relax, calm and content here.

”This is the place where the magic happens. This is the place, where you feel trust again.”

When you focus on this place in your heart, calm yourself down by focussing on your breathing.

Breathing is life and will help you to calm every situation down.

Make the breath soft and gentle, but deep. Always in, through your nose, and you can breathe out, through your mouth, releasing all tension.

When you focus from your heart, from within your body, on your breath, you are immediatly shifted from your ‘’survivalsystem’’ to your ‘’calm and contentsystem’’. Your nervoussystem is calm now and working for you.

As a next step you focus on gratitude, because this will enhance manifesting your dreamlife. Gratitude is a Golden Tool for the magic, the good, the great and the best in life.

”If you want to shift from survival, suffering, stress and that emptiness in life to a magical dreamlife that does have a longlasting fullfilling joy and happiness and completes you, in all ways?”

Start then with living from the heart, focussing on presence and gratitude and you will live your Divine Greatness. You will shine so bright, shining your Divine Greatness, that all others around you, want to know what you did, that you changed so much positively and that you are living such a dreamlife now.

And not a ‘’dreamlife’’ that looks like a dreamlife of having it all, but feeling empty and unhappy from the inside. (read this blog that I wrote about earlier).

No, a true dreamlife, that fullfills you in every way, from the inside and outside that is bringing even so much more love in the world, because you are contagiously shining so bright.

”Everyone wants to know

what your secret is!”

If you want help with this, then you can find all of these transformationtools on the website here or book your livesessions or want more info here.

I wish for you that you are living from the heart and feel this lasting inner contentment and true happiness in every moment. I wish you that you live and shine your Divine Greatness!

Have a great amazing bright shining day!

Much Love,


Shine Your Divine Greatness

How to feel good all the time?

How to feel good and experience true Joy, when you are looking for a meaningful life and you don’t know where to look anymore?

People are so living an empty and meaningless life, living from the physical body and thinking that the physical life is all that is. Thinking and controlling their way through life.

Or you already know there is more in life, but it still feels unreachable and you are still living mostly from the thinking mind and the physical body, wanting to control all of life.

They are constantly looking outside of them to look for joy and fullfillment. Someone to complete them or their lives. Or that job or that amount of money or that car or more businesses, then I will finally feel fullfilled or joyeus or complete or happy.
But it doesn´t come. It doesn´t happen. The emptyness stayes…

Another house. Another vacation. Another car or job. Another kid. Marrying.

”And still the emptyness stayes…..”

Then they think, maybe something is wrong with them and they want more therapy or medications. Again still all outside of them.

And so again they change a thing in the outside and looking for something outside of them that will fullfill that emptyness. That unhappy feeling. That restlessness.

The worries and stress become more.

”Maybe more drugs or alcohol or sex or extra shopping will help?”

But it fullfils for a moment and then the emptyness comes back. And they feel even worse.
And so they get more depressed, restless, giving up or self-sabotaging even more.

But finally its a good thing, because it brings you back to yourself.
And the only way you will find peace, fullfillment, joy, completion, is when you go inside.
“Depressed” is really “deep rest”. Your body wants that deep rest inside of yourself and find that Inner Power there. There is where your solution is. Inside of you. In your heart.

Go to your heart.
What do you truly desire?
What gives the unique YOU, true meaning?
What gives your life true meaning and purpose?
Why are you here?
What are your unique gifts and talents?
What and whom gives you energy, upliftment?
What are you here to give in the world?
How can you serve others in the world?

What is the relationship with yourself? Because this will determine how your life will look on the outside and how happy and fullfilled you feel.
Do you love yourself?
Do you value yourself highly?
Do you believe you are worthy?
Do you believe you are enough?
Do you have a high self-esteem?

All these questions, you have to ask yourself. Answer that from your heart and not from your thinking head.
All your answers and solutions are within your heart.

If it is difficult to feel and be in your heart, but you really want to change your life for the better, then you have to do whatever it takes to make this connection with your Heart. That is where your actions and real focus has to be.

Not trying to change all those things in the outside, that will never bring you what you truly desire.

Become determint to do whatever it takes to feel your Heart again and make a connection with the Divine Power inside of you. And yes, that will bring you all the answers and solutions you will seek in life. It will bring you that True Joy and happiness and fullfilment in every moment, if you live from the heart and that Connection with your Divine Inner Power.

That is where your true power and control is. From the Heart. From your true desires. From your true purpose and a life of meaning.
Then you are going to experience that all of life is supporting you on your journey. And the right ideal people, help and circumstances come your way.
You feel so much more loved and the Universe is on your side.
You will experience more the flow state of life.

”You are going to find that calm and peace in yourself, that is always there and with you in every moment.”

You are going to feel that you have an immense Power inside of you that is always with you in every moment and that you only have to trust and that you are never alone. That you are supported in every moment and that you can handle everything that comes your way.
And you will experience that there is a much greater plan at work for you.

You really have to understand that you can not find what you are looking for, outside of you. You have to find it in yourself first and then it will be reflected in the outside world.
Your true Power is within.
You have all that Divine Greatness inside of you to light up the whole world. No one outside of you can do it for you. This is your work in this life. Find that Light, that greatness inside of you.

When you live from the Heart every day, you start living from Gratitude and Love. And these are the most important exercises or focuspoints in life to manifest your Dreamlife.

If you want help with connecting and loving from the Heart, the Power within, and connecting with your Greatness, then you can use the Transformationtools here or services and book your live sessions here.

I wish you a true longlasting joyful fulfilled happy life living from the heart and the power within!

Much Love,

Wow, so much happened the last months!!

Things went fastests ever!!!

It started when I choose to completely surrender my life to Divine.

I always believed that Divine and your Higher Self knows what is best for you.

So when you give your life to Divine, It will lead you.

Its like a child holding hands with their parents to guide them anywhere.

The ego, personal self think it knows better and wants to do it by itself.

Then comes the struggle and pain and suffering.

The moment you let go and completely surrender, everything will change.

Everything will!

So a couple of months ago, I did not know what to do with my life. I was searching and fearfull and insecure. It was a moment of chaos again. This always happens before the big positive changes.

But then I thought now is the moment to completely surrender to Divine and it changed everything.

I jumped into the deep unknown.

Before I surrendered to Divine but sometimes I didn’t.

It changed when I surrendered completely.

I trusted the Divine Masterplan and asked Divine in every moment what to do.

I let go of personal self.

I was guided to do readings for people. And at that moment I was doing it sometimes and still had my personal self in it.

But When I was guided to do channelings professionally, I just did it.

I completely trusted that when someone asked for help, I would get the answers to come through.

It was taking a risk and trusting the not knowing.

Then the answers came ofcourse. Very clear.

And after reading after reading, the confidence keep building that Divine will come through and share the truth to help others.

So now a couple of months later I did around 500 readings/channelings or so and people are keep coming back for more, because it resonates.

After I started channeling Divine professionally, I started doing this for friends and family and for myself.

Then more opened up. I could ask Divine everything and get answers.

Then immediatly after that I got guided into the Akashic Records and so much information about most of my past lives came in details.

And after that also in details about my purpose and future. In exact details what is going to happen.

Clear visions started also during daytime, but also in my dreams.

In details Divine is talking to me what I need to do in my dreams about my waking life. Sometimes about things about past lives or about the past in this life. Karma I need to clear or some steps to take.

And mostly things about the now and future, what steps to take.

Everytime I follow these steps it creates even more magic and miracles in my life.

And sometimes these are difficult steps, or from a earthy personal identity perspective difficult, but I still do them. Because I believe Divine knows what is best for me. An example is cutting cords with someone I love but have to let go.

And the evidence, signs, synchronicity and blessings keep coming, so I keep listening to Divine.

I also believe when it feels light it is the truth and when it feels heavy, it isnt. And this all feels light and loving. And also it resonates completely. It is a knowing inside.

So I keep following that.

During the day I keep getting guidance in every moment and also during the nights.

I now know more who I am and why I am here.

There were also a lot of times when I got visitations during the night from the highest lightbeings from other planets, like Pleiadiens and Siriuspeople to help me remembering my purpose here on earth.

This was very special and that is also why I keep doing this. I have to and want to.

After that there was also a lot of clearing from old karma and I did a couple of Shamanic Journeys with Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau. A lot of things happened.

And one time I saw my Spiritanimal in a Shamanic journey and it was a Serpent. And it was amazing and it was spiraling around me. At that moment I thought ‘’huh a snake.’’ I did not get it.

But afterwards I knew it immediatly because I got an Kundalini-awakening. I wrote a blog about it.

This was mega intens but so beautiful.

I still feels amazing and every day I feel it.

Before I got a lot of tantrical orgasms, this went from up to down. I can get it instantly in every moment. There are energy downloads and I call them tantrical orgasms.

But since the kundalini-awakening, I also get energy rushes up/ tantrical orgasms up as I call them. Joe Dispenza calls them Brainorgasms, because they shoot from down up through the spine into the brain and in an instant my brainwaves are in Gamma.

I also can start this consciously every moment. But it is really intens to be in Gamma brainwaves constantly. I can choose to have it when I want.

Then after that I did a method from Drunvalo Melchizedek and I got a Heartorgasm as it called. And then my Pineal Gland activated completely and is always. So my heart is always open now and my third eye always active.

So thats why I now see a lot every day and get so profound information about my past lives, now and future. And also every night in my dreams.

Then even more happened.

And it is now 29 december 2020 and it all started in the end of august 2020. So everything happened really fast in 4 months time.

I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and I released all of my emotional bagage before when I started and removed my heartwall. And I test people and myself with muscle-testing.

A lot of things changed about this.

When I was a kid I always had things going on in my body and all of my life I’ve hade food allergys.

Before, I always  knew it wasn’t good for me after I ate something, because I felt it in my body.

After doing the Emotion Code I could also test it with muscle-testing.

And now, now so much changed, I get it channeled through in my head and heart already if something is good or not. Also for others. And I can feel it with my hands above it.

So all of my sixth senses are fully working together to read and feel something. And I believe and feel it is still growing.

Then more things changed extremely.

Divine woke me up one night in the middle of the night and said that I had to write.

So I asked, ‘’Huh, what do I need to write then?’’ And It said ‘’Automatic writing’’’.

And I’ve had visions of that and knew that one time I would do it, but did not do it yet.

Then I took some paper and pen and waited. And in an instant my hand started writing and the words came.

In a couple of minutes I wrote a Love Poem. I was completely flabbergasted. It said, that I had to go on and write more.

That night I wrote 4 lovepoems. It was beautiful and so profound. It was magic.

This was the start of the automatic writing of my book that I am almost every night writing. Only when Divine wakes me up. I never set a alarm.

I know that I am guided always, so I completely surrender to Divine.

That first night I went back to bed and something extreme happened. I won’t go into that here.

But the poems I’ve written were exactly the words, the advice of Divine that I needed that night.

This was the start of Divine giving me messages through automatic writing.

Then after a while in another vision, I saw I was also going to do automatic speaking and that I had to record it on camera and share it.

Automatic speaking is channeling. And I channel Divine. I got the message from the beginning that I will only channel Divine and my Higher Self and no other beings.

And for me channeling is more a conversation when someone asks me questions and channel the answers. And automatic speaking is more the same for me as automatic writing. No one is asking. Divine is channeling messages through me.

So I feel amazingly blessed to be guided always. I truly believe that Divine knows best for me, so I lay my hands in Divine.

And I still feel and believe that this is just the beginning. I feel that really strongly. So I know that still a lot of things are going to happen.

But I won’t choose fear. I choose love. I believe that Divine will carry me, guide me through everything that is happening.

So that I can live my purpose fully, be of service fully.

To be the Light of Love.

To Create Heaven on earth!

So be it!

I always said and knew that the year 2020 would be a year of transformation and in combination that I was 33 years old(numbers fascinate me and also talk to me a lot), would be a magical combination and that it would be amazing.

And it is.

And I believe that everything will be better each day. Every year will be a better year.

For me the year 2020 was the best year of my life.

I am the happiest ever!

And believe that it will become even more greater and magical and fantastic.

So year 2021 and the rest that is coming, I AM READY!!

Thank you for all the amazing magical years coming.

I am just getting started.

This is just the beginning!

So be it!!!!

I just now remembered that before everything started I wrote about earlier here, is that I started communicating with my Angels and Ascended Masters a lot more. So even that opened up much more.

I now know which Guardian Angels are always with me and what Spiritguide is always near me, around me to guide, help me and protect me.

This all helped me a lot, going through a lot of new things happening so that I felt safe and loved in every moment.

I wish you to a magical life full of blessing!

And I believe it will happen when you completely surrender to Divine. But you always have a choice. That is the Free will you have.

So what do you choose?

Much love,


If you need help in your life. Clarity about things happening in the now or things coming in the future, then book a reading. Or do you want to get rid of all of your emotional baggage? Send me an email. Or more info here and see all the things where I can help you with.

Your emotional part in the subconscious is running your life!

You are Divine and it is part of the Big MasterPlan that you are here to live your unique expression. That is given to you. You have unique talents and gifts and it is important that you share them with the world.

When you live your purpose, you give yourself the best at a holistic perspective. At a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. A lot of people talk about body, mind and Spirit. But super important where is the EMOTIONAL PART OF IT. I think it needs special attention. Because these Emotions are running your subconscious part and so is how your life looks like.

You cant live your highest best life if you have lots of Emotional Baggage bothering you and running your life from subconscious, causing mental, physical illnesses and lack of abundance, lack of love and good relationships. Lots of issues and problems etc.

The only way to live your highest best life, your purposefull live from your unique expression is to get rid of all that emotional baggage thats is preventing your DREAMLIFE to be and that you feel happy, healthy and fullfilled. With an EMOTION CODE SESSION we release very easy all that emotional baggage!

We can work online, at a distance. By telephone or email. What is best for you.

Do you want more info see here or send an email to jamievousten@gmail.com.

Love yourself! Give yourself the best life!

Stop the unnecessary suffering, because it is!

#lawofattraction #awakening #channeling #enlightenment #love #selflove #selfworth #selfcare #awake #oracle #psychic #joy #abundance #emotioncodepractitioner #emotioncode #loa #higherconsciousness #trust #totalsurrender #surrender #Divine #channel #transformation #changetheworld #makeanimpact #legacy #embodyment #healing #thelawofattraction #theemotioncode #subconscious #emotionalblocks limitedbeliefs #mindset #missionofloveacademy #beauty #health #freedom #inthemoment #vegan #mindfullmom #automatocspeaking #automaticwriting #divinity #divinelove #bestversionofourselves #beingness #lightoflove #surrendering #followyourjoy #gratitude #synchronicity #consciousness #channelingdivine

What happens when you surrender?

It will bring you the most magical things happening on your path.

Open your eyes and open your heart and surrender.

Follow your guidance.

Divine, Angels, Spiritguides or AnimalSpirits or even Tree Spirits will guide you on your path.

This happened today. And this happened all in 1,5 hours.

But I live those days constantly.

My friend just said ‘’Even if you are going for a ‘’normal’’ walk things are happening.

Because I completely surrender every moment to the Divine and let Her guide me, there is constantly things happening in my life.

My life is never ‘’normal’’ and will be never ‘’Normal’’. And I also don’t want that.

I choose to live a magical life full of amazing adventures and joyfull experiences. I choose constantly transformation to a Higher Being of Light. I am already that, but living that more every moment.

What happened today, (in the 1,5 hours in the afternoon)?

I just went out for a walk, because Divine guided me to walk outside. I was guided towards the forests so I thought I was going there. But when I stood before the forest, I was guided to go to right. So now I walked near te forests, but not go in there.

It is a beautiful sunny day(in a rainy week), so it was important to get my Sunlight and Vitamine D.

I was guided in every crossway to go straight ahead or right or left.

It was a beautiful walk and it guided me to a beautiful park. In this Park I was guided to take a photo of the beautiful nature and sun on the back.

When I made this picture, I saw a little green orb of light and around it was a bigger circle of energy. It was beautiful. I got the message that this was a Spirit. And I saw it was following me everywhere. I made a lot of pictures of it.

After that I asked who it was and it was my Guardian Angel Tom, who is always with me.

So beautiful.

After that I went furter and made more pictures and he was on all of them. He is always watching over me, guiding and protecting me. Loving me. So beautiful!

Then was guided to another park and in that park I was guided of the path into the field. And when I walked, a tree was calling my attention. So I went up there and when I came close my attention was guided up and then I saw this beautiful ladybug.

A week ago I’ve had an shamanic journey where the AnimalSpirit of a ladybug came into my journey with a beautiful message. Now it had another message, but I knew it when I came home later.

But at that moment, I saw this Ladybug needed healing. His wings were all distorted. So I gave him a healing and blessed him. It was a him. Thank you Ladybug for this message.

Then I was called to this tree and I got the message to stand against it with my back and feel its energy and listen to her message. And when I stood there I’ve got the sun right in my face. It came through the branches. It was beautiful. But then I became emotional and felt a little sad. It wasn’t mine. This was the tree I connected with. And I still was standing against it.

The tree told me that it was sad, because of all the things happening with the world, with the earth and trees. What humans are doing with it.

So it was my job also to increase the consciousness of the people, so that they are more in love and that they take good care of the earth instead of what they are doing now.

So this was the message.

And it is also funny, that just almost an hour ago, I bought a waste grab(dont know if this is the right pronouncing, but it doesn’t matter). A thing where you can grab waste from the streets, so you can clean them. I bought it to clean the streets and nature with my daughter. To give her the best example and help the planet, Mother Earth.

So there are more ways to help the planet.

After the ladybug and the tree I was guided further on my walk. It was a super nice interesting walk.

Then I saw two times in a row a wurm a front of my feet. I knew this was a message from the AnimalSpirit wurms.

So I also got in to that.

And I found the message that completely resonates again, with my path now.

At this moment the last weeks, I am releasing all old stuff that doesn’t serve me anymore and make room for new good stuff.

So a lot transformations happened last weeks. An Immens intens but loving proces. I did also a lot Emotion Code sessions again, to release old baggage. For more info look here. And I’ve written a lot of blogs about it. Here is one and one linked with LOA.

And a week ago I’ve had a kundalini-awakening and so much more.

My life is never dull. And I really love my life.

When you completely surrender to Divine, you completely go with the flow and lots of magic and positive things happening.

Synchronicity everywhere.

Nothing but really nothing happens by accident. There are no coincidences.

Everything has a meaning. Everything.

So after the wurms, I was guided home. And when I was home and made my lunch I was guided to eat my lunch in the sun at the balcony.

And I went outside and I saw a thing laying on the ground, I took it and there was another ladybug on it.

It was another sign. I got into channeling and always looking up some things, and found the message, that really resonates with me. Sometimes the message comes through, sometimes I look up some things and words are talking to me.

This was again so beautiful and exactly the message that I needed to hear now at this moment. So thank you!!!

Wow and this all happened in 1,5 hours.

This is my life.

This can also be your life if you are following your guidance.

Not the things that are happening to me, because every life is unique and your purpose is unique.

But I mean if you completely surrender to Divine, you will be guided towards signs and messages and synchronicity everwhere.

You are never alone. Angels, Spiritguides and AnimalSpirits are always there for you.

Open your eyes and Your heart and you will hear them.

Have an amazing beautiful day!!

A lot more happened today, but I am not going to share literally everything that happens everyday. Because in my life, that is a lot. Hihihi

But this I was guided again to share with you.

So enjoy this beautiful amazing magical sunny day and till next!

I love you!! Keep shining!!!

Much Love,


If you want a Emotion Code session or want a Personal Reading about whatever is happening in your life, or if you want a live Coaching in nature, send me an email to jamievousten@gmail.com and I will contact you.

#lawofattraction #awakening #channeling #enlightenment #love #selflove #selfworth #selfcare #awake #oracle #psychic #joy #abundance #emotioncodepractitioner #emotioncode #loa #higherconsciousness #trust #totalsurrender #surrender #Divine #channel #transformation #changetheworld #makeanimpact #legacy #embodyment #healing #thelawofattraction #theemotioncode #subconscious #emotionalblocks limitedbeliefs #mindset #missionofloveacademy #beauty #health #freedom #inthemoment #vegan #mindfullmom #automatocspeaking #automaticwriting #divinity #divinelove #bestversionofourselves #beingness #lightoflove #surrendering #followyourjoy #gratitude #synchronicity #consciousness #channelingdivine

Waarom blijf je te lang in werk of in relaties hangen die niet goed voor je zijn?

Je voelt al lang van binnen aan dat iets niet klopt. Maar toch neem je maar geen stappen om ermee te kappen.

Heel vaak blijven we hangen in situaties die niet goed voor ons zijn. Je verzint allerlei excuses om maar niet Die ene grote stap te nemen en dus blijf jij diep ongelukkig.

Meestal is de reden dat je bang bent de ander te kwetsen of voor het onbekende.

Wat als je de stap wel neemt en wat dan? Je denkt dat je in een leeg gat valt. Je bent bang voor het onbekende en daarom blijf je liever nu ongelukkig dan dat je niet weet wat er dan gebeurt want dat voelt nog veel enger.

Maar als je wel de stap neemt, zal je al snel zien dat je gedragen wordt en er een positieve uitkomst komt.

Je bent misschien tijdelijk gekwetst of neergeslagen doordat de situatie zo is gelopen en in je hoofd had je iets anders bedacht. Maar toch zodra je eindelijk transparant bent en je gevoel volgt en eindelijk kiest voor jezelf, zal je zien dat het hele Universum samenwerkt om jou te helpen. En daarnaast voel jij totale opluchting en bevrijding.

Vanaf het moment dat jij de beslissing maakt om je hart te volgen en volledig in het diepe onbekende te springen en er op vertrouwt. Dan komt alles samen. Dan voel jij je zo bevrijd en opgelucht en hoopte je dat het eerder had gedaan.

Neem deze situatie dan ook mee naar de volgende en haal je inzichten eruit. Kies de volgende keer sneller voor jezelf en volg je hart. Dit vertrouwen zal steeds sterker worden en steeds sneller zal je stappen nemen in het kiezen voor jezelf.

Jij leeft jouw unieke leven en het is nu de tijd om volledig voor jouw weg te gaan.

Volg je hart en alles zal je toekomen waar je altijd al op hoopte.

Het is nu de tijd om jouw unieke expressie te leven. De wereld wacht op jou.

Niet voor niets ben jij nu geïncarneerd in dit kostuum op deze plek. Mensen hebben jou nodig en het is tijd dat jij jouw talenten en vaardigheden gaat in zetten.

Wacht niet langer! Believe in yourself!

This is your moment!

Love and Light Jamie

Ben je klaar met lijden en word het eens tijd om het beste mooiste leven te gaan leiden? Wil je meer helderheid over wat jouw unieke pad is, hoe jij jouw unieke expressie leeft? Vind je het nog heel moeilijk om nu echt te voelen wat je echt vanuit je hart wilt? Maak dan nu een afspraak voor een coaching. Ik ben de juiste persoon om jou daarbij te helpen.

Stuur een mail naar jamievousten@gmail.com

Hoe ik mijn droomhuis manifesteerde…..

Ik deel je hier mijn verhaal hoe ik onder andere mijn droomhuis manifesteerde en geef je 7 tips hoe dit te doen.

Ik woonde nog thuis en was al een tijdje op zoek naar een woning. Een huurwoning. Ik woonde in een hele mooie buurt en wilde hier graag blijven wonen. Ik wilde een huis met een tuin en meerdere kamers zodat ik genoeg ruimte voor alles had. Het huis om de hoek kwam vrij. Het was een prachtig huis met een prachtige tuin en voldeed aan al mijn wensen en zelfs nog beter.

Ik reageerde op het huis om ervoor in aanmerking te komen en ik kwam 6e te staan. Je komt namelijk op een wachtlijst te staan en hoe langer je op de wachtlijst staat hoe eerder je in aanmerking komt voor een huis. Het ook zijn dat iemand voorrang heeft om een bepaalde reden. Ik stond er al een aantal jaren op, dus ik kwam vrij vooraan op de lijst. Er waren 5 mensen voor me die op het huis hadden gereageerd. Zij zouden het dus eerst krijgen.

Vanaf het moment dat ik zag dat het huis vrij kwam, wist ik al dat ik het zou krijgen. Ik was er zo van overtuigd dat ik al tegen iedereen zei dat ik daar kwam te wonen. Ik vertelde het tegen mijn familie, mijn collega’s en tegen buurtbewoners.

Ik liep dagelijks met de hond erlangs en visualiseerde dat ik er woonde en door de huiskamer aan het dansen was. Ik visualiseerde dat ik er de tuin aan het doen was.

Een tijdje later kreeg ik een uitnodiging net als de eerste 10 anderen om er een kijkje te gaan nemen. Ik ging er vastberaden heen en vol vertrouwen dat ik MIJN huis ging bezichtigen. Het was heel druk en iedereen die er rond liep was heel enthousiast. Dit weerhield mij niet met vertrouwen houden. Ik liep rond in het hele huis en plaatste al in gedachten in iedere ruimte welke meubels er zouden te komen staan. Ik verfde in gedachten al de muren.

Eenmaal thuis bevestigde ik meteen bij de woningverhuur dat ik het huis zeker wilde.

Dagelijks bleef ik langs wandelen en visualiseren dat ik daar woonde. Ik maakte een tekening van het huis met mezelf erin en hing dit in mijn slaapkamer zodat ik het iedere dag zou zien.
In gedachten visualiseerde ik steeds dat ik dat ik mijn moeder en vrienden opbelde van blijdschap dat ik het huis had gekregen.

Ik bleef vertrouwen houden.

Toen kreeg ik een telefoontje…..

Ik zou het huis NIET krijgen. Iemand vóór mij op de wachtlijst had het geaccepteerd. Ik geloofde het niet. Het kon niet waar zijn. Ik voelde in mijn hele wezen dat ik het zou krijgen.

Ik liet het los. Ik werd er niet boos over en ging er niet over klagen.
Nee, ik ging naar de gamma en kocht alvast de verf voor op de muren.

Ja dit is echt waar.

Een paar dagen later werd ik weer gebeld. De vrouw van de woningverhuur vroeg of ik nog steeds interesse had, want wonder boven wonder zei ze hadden ALLE mensen voor mij afgezegd.
Zij snapte er helemaal niets van. Ze zei nog dat die mensen vast gouden kranen wilde, want dit was zo’n prachtig huis. (Ik wist het wel)

Ik mocht me diezelfde dag nog komen inschrijven.
Ik was zo dankbaar. Ik voelde me zo gezegend.

Dit was mijn nieuwe thuis. Een prachtig super groot hoekhuis met een mega grote tuin. Een groot terras en een groot grasveld en een prachtige aangelegde bloementuin. Een grote oprit en een schuurtje. Het huis had een eetkeuken, een woonkamer, 4 slaapkamers, een badkamer, een aparte wc en een super grote zolder met twee gedeeltes. En het had net allemaal nieuwe kunststof ramen gekregen, een nieuwe verwarming in het hele huis en er was een heel nieuw dak opgekomen. Alles super goed geïsoleerd. Het was een heerlijk licht huis. O ik was zo gezegend.

Ik kreeg een prachtig huis voor mij alleen, want toen woonde ik nog alleen. Het voelde als een groot wonder en ik was zo super dankbaar.

Welke stappen had ik genomen om mijn droomhuis te manifesteren?

Dat ook al kun je het nog niet met je ogen zien. Als jij er vol in gelooft en je blijft vertrouwen, ook wanneer er obstakels op je pad komen, je blijft volhouden, dan zal het zich ook manifesteren. Blijf geloven en blijf achter je keuzes en beslissing staan. ’Believe and achieve!’’

Een ‘’leap of faith’’ nemen is echt het CODEWOORD bij manifesteren!! Durf risico’s te nemen en hier in te blijven geloven!

2: Visualiseer de einduitkomst
Het visualiseren van je verlangens helpt enorm om te manifesteren. Zie het al voor je, voel het, proef het. Ik danste er en deed de tuin. Ik plaatste de meubels in gedachten al daar. Ik keek dagelijks naar de tekening en zag mezelf daarin. Ik liep langs het huis en zag mezelf in de woonkamer. Bij visualiseren is het belangrijk dat je altijd de einduitkomst visualiseert en dat je altijd jezelf erin visualiseert.

Napoleon Hill — ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’

3: Meer liefde in de wereld, niet alleen persoonlijk gewin
Ik voelde ook heel erg dat het niet alleen goed voor mij zou zijn, maar ook voor anderen. Ik voelde heel erg dat ik me er zo fijn zou voelen dat ik veel meer van betekenis kon zijn voor anderen. Ik zou er ook heel goed mijn eigen bedrijf kunnen starten en vanuit daar mensen gaan coachen. Dus indirect zou het ook anderen helpen als ik daar zou komen te wonen. Het bracht indirect dus ook meer liefde in de wereld. Daarnaast zou er bij mijn moeder een slaapkamer vrij komen en zou 1 van mijn broertjes eindelijk een volwaardige slaapkamer krijgen. Het zou overal goed voor zijn.

4: Voel je goed, zodat je in een ontvangen staat bent.
De wet van aantrekkingskracht werkt op al deze stappen. Bij deze stap zorg je ervoor dat je op dezelfde vibratie bent als je gemanifesteerde verlangen. Dus wat voel je als je dit huis hebt. Ik voelde me heerlijk vrij, geliefd, dankbaar en vreugdevol. Ik zorgde er dus steeds voor dat ik mezelf zo voelde. Ik danste thuis ook alvast in mijn slaapkamer van vreugde en visualiseerde dat ik in de woonkamer van mijn huis danste. Dit leg ik ook uitgebreid uit in mijn gratis eboek JIJ MAG ER ZIJN!

5: Neem de stappen hier naartoe alsof het al IS!
Ik kocht alvast de verf. Ik vertelde iedereen al dat ik het huis al had.

6: Volledige overgave in de ‘’Hoe’’
De ‘’hoe’’ is van het Universum. Jij hoeft alleen je bestelling te plaatsen. Jij hoeft alleen te weten wat je wilt en hier vastbesloten voor te gaan. Het Universum zorgt voor het ‘’hoe’’. Daar hoef jij je helemaal niet druk over te maken. ‘’Ask and receive!’’ Geef je dus volledig over.

7: Ben dankbaar
Ik was van tevoren al dankbaar dat ik het zou krijgen. Op deze manier was ik ook alvast op de vibratie van het uitgekomen verlangen. Dankbaarheid is één van de hoogste trillingen. Wanneer je dankbaar bent, ben je zo vol liefde en gaat manifesteren super snel! Ben dus nu al dankbaar voor wat je wilt.

Deze 7 stappen zorgde ervoor dat ik mijn droomhuis manifesteerde. Inmiddels woon ik er al niet meer, omdat mijn pad me weer ergens anders naar leidde. Naar Amsterdam, waar ik inmiddels samen woon met mijn vriend en onze dochter en kat. Ik volg altijd mijn hart en waar mijn pad me heen brengt. Ik geloof er ook in dat je steeds nieuwe verlangens krijgt en daarom kun je meerdere droomhuizen hebben in je leven. Ik geloof erin dat je leven steeds beter en mooier wordt. Iedere keer weer ga je weer een level hoger.

Dit manifesteerde ik nog meer:

  • Ik wilde heel graag aan een online programma meedoen, had het geld er toen niet voor en manifesteerde een andere optie en ik won het online programma t.w.v. 1500 euro!
  • Ik won een retreat in IBIZA
  • Ik wilde 3 x in een jaar op een verre vakantie en manifesteerde dit
  • Ik wilde een kat en kreeg dit cadeau
  • zwanger worden en het in 1 keer lukte
  • 1 keer een auto cadeau kreeg en 1 keer voor een prikkie vond
  • Een baan die toen perfect bij mij paste en bij de situatie en geweldig combineerbaar was met het opstarten van mijn bedrijf
  • Ik wilde een cursus in Amsterdam doen, maar wist toen niet qua financieel en verblijf. Werd beiden gemanifesteerd
  • Ik manifesteerde mijn verlangen om naar azie te gaan
  • Ik manifesteerde een positieve ervaring van de bevalling

En zo kun je nog wel even doorgaan.
Ga met deze 7 stappen aan de slag en manifesteer jouw verlangens. Het moeten wel verlangens zijn die jou verder brengen en die meer liefde in de wereld brengen, dan zullen ze zeker materialiseren.

En leuk om te weten is, dat wanneer jij een verlangen hebt, die ook zeker uit kan komen. Verlangens heb je alleen als ze ook echt werkelijkheid kunnen worden. Dus al jouw verlangens die je vanuit je hart en ziel wilt, kunnen werkelijkheid worden.

Succes met de 7 stappen!

En ik zou het leuk vinden, als je deze 7 stappen hebt gevolgd bij een verlangen en het ook daadwerkelijk is gemanifesteerd,  je het mij laat weten.

Heb je hulp nodig bij het manifesteren van je verlangens? Neem dan contact met me op. Vraag nu een gratis intakegesprek aan en dan kijken we vanuit daar verder wat je nodig hebt of meld je aan voor het retreat in Frankrijk, waar we hierbij de diepte in gaan.