Observe life and live from the Heart

All emotions are there for a purpose. A purpose to be felt and expressed through you.

Don’t judge and label lower vibrational feelings like anger, sadness, shame or guilt as bad. They just are. (Read this last blog that I wrote about it.)

Become the observer.

Take a step back.

”Go sit in your heart and watch your life from that safe place.”

This will help you thoughout life, to not identify with all your thoughts and emotions.

All the problems and issues in life exist, because people are identified with all their thoughts and emotions, that become beliefs. Those beliefsystems create a complete identity that is build on the stories that make a person.

Life is full of challenges and they will never stop. Challenges are part of the game of life. The Soul chooses for every life to evolve, grow, expand and ascend. Challenges are ways to evolve quickly and sometimes massively.

If we would not grow or evolve, life has no purpose to exist, because this is its purpose. And so the Soul chooses all kinds of challenges during our lifetimes. Every thing in existance experiences challenges, even the plants and animals and so many more.

Be present in your heart and so in your body as much as possible on a day. This will help you with not identifying with thoughts and emotions as they pass by.

”This will make you more resiliënt and stronger.”

You will live your Divine Greatness when you live from the heart and from Presence in you.

This will help you manifest your dreamlife and feel longlasting joy in yourself. No matter what challenges Life throws at you. No matter what challenges you are facing outside of you.

The Power is within. The true power is in your heart and in Presence, the essence of what you truly are.

From living from the heart, you will take this inner joy, inner happiness, inner peace, inner fulfillment and contentment with you in every moment.

”Now you don’t need things or people in the outside world to complete you.”

Now you are in your full power.

Now you are living your Greatness.

You are fully connected with your true essence, with your true power from within. Your Divinity.

”You are now going to

live your

Divine Greatness.”

You are Presence.

You are loving awareness.

You are Divine Love.

When there is a lot going on outside in your life, you feel stressed and not safe. You are acting from your survivalsystem.

”You feel safe again, when you shift to your calm and contentsystem.”

There are many ways to come here, who I am describing in other blogs and in my products, courses and services, but I will give you here some tips.

When you become present, go sit in your heart, in this safe haven. Make a picture for yourself. Visualize a chair in your spiritual heart and go sit in here and watch life from this observer place within your body.

Every time when you focus on sitting on this chair in your heart, you are completely safe and calm. This place makes you feel content, safe and joyful, in an instant. This is your safe haven and where all the true power is.

Be present in your heart and observe life from this safe and calm place. Nothing can touch you in this place. You have this with you always. You feel relax, calm and content here.

”This is the place where the magic happens. This is the place, where you feel trust again.”

When you focus on this place in your heart, calm yourself down by focussing on your breathing.

Breathing is life and will help you to calm every situation down.

Make the breath soft and gentle, but deep. Always in, through your nose, and you can breathe out, through your mouth, releasing all tension.

When you focus from your heart, from within your body, on your breath, you are immediatly shifted from your ‘’survivalsystem’’ to your ‘’calm and contentsystem’’. Your nervoussystem is calm now and working for you.

As a next step you focus on gratitude, because this will enhance manifesting your dreamlife. Gratitude is a Golden Tool for the magic, the good, the great and the best in life.

”If you want to shift from survival, suffering, stress and that emptiness in life to a magical dreamlife that does have a longlasting fullfilling joy and happiness and completes you, in all ways?”

Start then with living from the heart, focussing on presence and gratitude and you will live your Divine Greatness. You will shine so bright, shining your Divine Greatness, that all others around you, want to know what you did, that you changed so much positively and that you are living such a dreamlife now.

And not a ‘’dreamlife’’ that looks like a dreamlife of having it all, but feeling empty and unhappy from the inside. (read this blog that I wrote about earlier).

No, a true dreamlife, that fullfills you in every way, from the inside and outside that is bringing even so much more love in the world, because you are contagiously shining so bright.

”Everyone wants to know

what your secret is!”

If you want help with this, then you can find all of these transformationtools on the website here or book your livesessions or want more info here.

I wish for you that you are living from the heart and feel this lasting inner contentment and true happiness in every moment. I wish you that you live and shine your Divine Greatness!

Have a great amazing bright shining day!

Much Love,


Shine Your Divine Greatness

How to deal with the rollercoaster of life?

Life throws challenge after challenge at your path.

How are you going to deal with all of this?

How are you coming stronger out of it and even more calm and resilïent than before?

Normally you go through life from your ‘’survivalsystem’’ or ‘’go go go overdrive system’’. See my last blog that I wrote about those systems, as also the ‘’calm and content system’’.

When you become present in life, you automatically come in the ‘’calm and content system.’’ You calm the body and mind. Then you take a step back from life and observe life.

You observe and focus on breathing.

You realize that you are not your thoughts.

You realize that you are not your feelings.

You do not identify with your thoughts or feelings. You just observe them. They just are and you let them be.

”You are not judging them and stay in non-judgement mode.”

Nothing is good or bad in life. You are not identifying with it.

They are just clouds passing by.

You stay present, observe and just watch the thoughts and feelings as clouds passing by.

You are not that. You are not your thoughts and feelings.

Your thoughts and feelings go up and down. It is like a rollercoaster.

You feel good. You feel bad.

You feel joy. You feel sad.

You feel angry. You feel relieved.

”The journey of life is a rollercoaster of emotions. Just feel them as they come.”

They want to be seen and heard. They want to be felt and expressed.

Then just go further with your life. Only observe them. They are not you. They are just clouds passing by.

Its the same like a kid. They can feel really sad or angry and a moment later they forgot about everything and laugh out loud. They just let the feelings passing by. Feeling and expressing it. Not mentally labeling it and going further with life.

You will find your true longlasting joy and fulfilling happiness, when you stay present and not identify with the emotions and thoughts that pass by.

Feel them and go further. Don’t jugde them as bad or good. They just are. They are here because your Soul wants them to be expressed through you. Thats it. Period! Don’t make more of it.

All the thoughts and emotions are just an experience for the Soul. Not more than that.

Crying is just salty tears falling over your cheeks. Its just that. Don’t give it more meaning.

”Everything just is as it is. Just an experience for the Soul.”

Everything that happens in your life, is just chosen by the Soul and an experience for the Soul.

Just let all your emotions flow through you without judgement and accept it. By accepting it, you don’t have resistance to it and life will become so much more easier and fun for you.

When you resist this moment or that feeling, you resist Life. So never resist anything, because you will resist Life. And when you resist life in every moment, you resist the life-flow that wants to flow through you and blockages on all areas will come.

Life wants to be expressed through you. Just live your life as it happens. Everything is here for the reason to be experienced and expressed by the Soul through you.

Just be the observer of Life and accept what the Soul has in plan for you in any given moment and don’t identify with any thought or emotion. Its not you.

”Just Be!”

If you want help with this, then you can find all of these transformationtools on the website here or book your livesessions or more info about it here.

I wish you the best and that you become so resilient and shine so bright, that you will feel this contentment and true happiness in every moment.

Have a great fantastic bright shining day!

Much Love,


Shine Your Divine Greatness

How to calm that too stressful mind and life?

You so desperately want to feel more joy and less stress?

So much is always going on in your life. You are so wanting solutions for everything going on.

You are someone who wants the best for everyone.

”You are someone who gives there all, always.”

But why are things keep on happening in your life? Why are you still feeling so stressed out, while you doing everything for it to feel better all the time?

The brain is releasing all kind of hormones all the time. These are the hormones of cortisol and adrenaline that are giving you energy, focus and also causing stress in the body.

Then there are the happy hormones, like oxytocine, dopamine, endorfines and serotonine. The brain has all kind of purposes.

”There are 3 systems in the brain, that are causing different results in your life!”

The 3 systems in your body/brain are :

1 The ‘’Go go go system or superdrive system, the overdrive system’’

2 The ‘’Survival system, fight flight or freeze system’’

3 The ‘’Calm and content system’’

Knowing what system is driving you in what moment is important to know why certain things are happening in your life and why you react in a certain way.

The survivalsystem:

When you are going through many life-events all together, your body comes in ‘’the survivalsystem.’’ There is too much happening, so the body gets overwhelmed. It goes into panicmode and agressionmode. You feel that everything is too much. You are so overwhelmed. You can cry very fast and a lot or you are very fast agitated and even want to hit someone or something. Normally thats not you at all, but now every extra impulse, every extra too loud noise or an email that triggers you. It is such an override, that it makes you feel so angry, that you feel out of control. In anger or in crying. Extreme emotional and overly tired.

This will cause you to go into fight, or it caused you to go into flight. You want to run away from all of your problems. Run away into a holidayvacation or literally into suicide, if it takes too long and you don’t see any answers for your problems anymore.

Then there is also the freeze reaction. It can be, that you are so overwhelmed and so overstressed and burned-out for such a long period. That your body literally can’t handle anything anymore. Too much survival, then it goes into a freeze. You can literally not move your body anymore. It doesn’t do anything anymore for you.

The overdrive system:

The ‘Go go go overdrive system’’ can go together with the survivalsystem. Both these systems can cause burn-outs.

This overdrive system mostly starts with being driven, energetical and focussed. When it becomes a problem, is when you are always in this system. You take no breaks and go go go. You are a hardworking businesswoman and or man and go from accomplishment to accomplishment. You are a perfectionist and ‘’have no time to take breaks’’. There is always so much to do.

You go from one task into another. You have many to do lists and love the feeling of crossing one when its done and go immediatly to the next. The fullfillment is so short. There are no breaks or celebrations. It is going from one thing to another, without stops. You love to accomplish a task. You love having results. You are constantly focussed on the next thing. You are a perfectionist and also want to be the best and the best results. You ask so much from yourself. Everything can always be and do better. You have so much responsibility and carry a lot of weight on your shoulders. It feels never accomplished. Nothing is never finished. There is always more and even more to do.

This system is go go go and do do do. Always more to do.

When you stay to long in this superdrive system, eventually, and mostly too late it goes over in the survivalsystem, into fight, flight and freeze.  You are very fast frustrated, agitated, agressive and emotional. Overwhelmed. Want to run away from your problems. Its all too much. Or even become suicidal and thinks that that is the only solution and that the world is better off without you.

Or your whole body stops at one day and you can’t move your body anymore and the only solution is to take rest and lay in the bed for months mostly, till your body can handle step by step more and more.

”There is a solution to balance these systems so that you will feel much better!”

The solution to both of these systems, ‘’the survivalsystem’’ and ‘’the overdrivesystem’’ is:

Going into ‘’The calm and content system’’:

When your body is in this state, you feel calm, peaceful, relaxed, content, fulfilled and present in the body.

This system is the antidote for the other systems.

When you are always in a override mode or in a survivalmode, life becomes very hard and difficult and eventually it has a huge effect on the physical body and overall health and on the mental health and emotional health.

It is the opposite of feeling happy and content and healthy in your life.

‘’The survivalsystem’’ and ‘’the overdrivesystem’’ are activated by the body itself, but ‘’the calm and content system’’ is not.

You have to activate this system by yourself to balance the other systems. And this will work out in overall health on all levels. On the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual/energetical level of your body. Your overall health will improve extremely. You will avoid PTSD and Burn-out and many other problems, because eventually it has an effect on all your relationships and moneyflow and so much more. Take care of yourself now and make these important changes.

How can you activate this magical and powerful ‘’calm and content system’’?

  • Eat healthy, give your unique body what it needs.
  • Take time to mindfully and slowly eat and not eat to fast while you keep on working or listening to something or while driving. Take time to eat and eat very slowly without distractions in that moment. Tast it all. Be conscious of what you eat and how it tastes. Chew extra, so that your brain gets the signal that you have eaten. You are very present with your food and present with your body in that moment.
  • Be Present in the present moment. Being present in the moment is where the magic happens. It is also where all transformation happens, because we have only the now. In the present moment is the only way, where we can make the longlasting changes, because the past is gone and the future is not yet here. Everything always happens in the present moment, so Be Present in the Present moment, in the Now. There is where the only true power is. When you are not present in the moment and always in your thinking head thinking of the future of rethinking of the past, you are always living in the past of future and you will miss all the magic of life. And also where all the energy is. When you are present in the present moment, you connect with the life-energy, that will help you fully with everything.
  • Move your body. Your body is not meant to sit on a chair in the office for a computer and inside between four walls. Go outside and move your body. And if you can, enjoy nature, thats even better. And nature helps you heal and helps you to become present in the moment. It will happen by itself when you are surrounded by nature. That is the power of nature.
  • You can also do exercises inside, in breaks between work, but also go outside. Balance inside with outside.
  • Balance is very important. Balance movement and being still. Outside and inside. City with nature. Noices with silence. Screens with eyes closed. Seriously working with having fun. Working with socializing with friends. Work with having breaks, And so on. Balance is very important.
  • Do breathing exercises. Breathing is living. Breathing is life. Without breath there is no life. And so we should focus on breathing so much more, as it is so important in life. Different exercises are very powerful and effective. 4-4-4, AUM, aa-oe-mm, Breath Hold Breathing and more. (See on the website for these products and extra info about it.)
  • Focussing on Presence in the center of your heart. Centering and living from your Heart is so powerful.
  • Have the same Rithm in sleeping every day and night.
  • Listen to positive trances and hypnose. (see on the website for these products.)
  • Listen to positive audios on 528 hz, that calm you down. (see on the website for these products).
  • Do fun things with friends and or family.
  • By releasing happy hormones, the stresshormones are balanced. (Happy hormones like; oxytocine, serotonine, dopamine and endorfine.) Oxytocine is a happy hormone that is released by cuddling, touching, eye gazing). Some of the happy hormones are released by eating or drinking pure cacao and this is also heartopening.
  • And there are so much more tools and ways to release those happy hormones. Exercising is also a good one.

For more info or transformationstools or ways to open your heart, balance and open your ‘’Calm and contentsystem’’, see on the website for all the courses, audios and tools or book your live session, thats all included with Jamie.

Enjoy your fantastic calming and exciting day! I truly wish you all the best!

Much Love,


Shine Your Divine Greatness

How to feel good all the time?

How to feel good and experience true Joy, when you are looking for a meaningful life and you don’t know where to look anymore?

People are so living an empty and meaningless life, living from the physical body and thinking that the physical life is all that is. Thinking and controlling their way through life.

Or you already know there is more in life, but it still feels unreachable and you are still living mostly from the thinking mind and the physical body, wanting to control all of life.

They are constantly looking outside of them to look for joy and fullfillment. Someone to complete them or their lives. Or that job or that amount of money or that car or more businesses, then I will finally feel fullfilled or joyeus or complete or happy.
But it doesn´t come. It doesn´t happen. The emptyness stayes…

Another house. Another vacation. Another car or job. Another kid. Marrying.

”And still the emptyness stayes…..”

Then they think, maybe something is wrong with them and they want more therapy or medications. Again still all outside of them.

And so again they change a thing in the outside and looking for something outside of them that will fullfill that emptyness. That unhappy feeling. That restlessness.

The worries and stress become more.

”Maybe more drugs or alcohol or sex or extra shopping will help?”

But it fullfils for a moment and then the emptyness comes back. And they feel even worse.
And so they get more depressed, restless, giving up or self-sabotaging even more.

But finally its a good thing, because it brings you back to yourself.
And the only way you will find peace, fullfillment, joy, completion, is when you go inside.
“Depressed” is really “deep rest”. Your body wants that deep rest inside of yourself and find that Inner Power there. There is where your solution is. Inside of you. In your heart.

Go to your heart.
What do you truly desire?
What gives the unique YOU, true meaning?
What gives your life true meaning and purpose?
Why are you here?
What are your unique gifts and talents?
What and whom gives you energy, upliftment?
What are you here to give in the world?
How can you serve others in the world?

What is the relationship with yourself? Because this will determine how your life will look on the outside and how happy and fullfilled you feel.
Do you love yourself?
Do you value yourself highly?
Do you believe you are worthy?
Do you believe you are enough?
Do you have a high self-esteem?

All these questions, you have to ask yourself. Answer that from your heart and not from your thinking head.
All your answers and solutions are within your heart.

If it is difficult to feel and be in your heart, but you really want to change your life for the better, then you have to do whatever it takes to make this connection with your Heart. That is where your actions and real focus has to be.

Not trying to change all those things in the outside, that will never bring you what you truly desire.

Become determint to do whatever it takes to feel your Heart again and make a connection with the Divine Power inside of you. And yes, that will bring you all the answers and solutions you will seek in life. It will bring you that True Joy and happiness and fullfilment in every moment, if you live from the heart and that Connection with your Divine Inner Power.

That is where your true power and control is. From the Heart. From your true desires. From your true purpose and a life of meaning.
Then you are going to experience that all of life is supporting you on your journey. And the right ideal people, help and circumstances come your way.
You feel so much more loved and the Universe is on your side.
You will experience more the flow state of life.

”You are going to find that calm and peace in yourself, that is always there and with you in every moment.”

You are going to feel that you have an immense Power inside of you that is always with you in every moment and that you only have to trust and that you are never alone. That you are supported in every moment and that you can handle everything that comes your way.
And you will experience that there is a much greater plan at work for you.

You really have to understand that you can not find what you are looking for, outside of you. You have to find it in yourself first and then it will be reflected in the outside world.
Your true Power is within.
You have all that Divine Greatness inside of you to light up the whole world. No one outside of you can do it for you. This is your work in this life. Find that Light, that greatness inside of you.

When you live from the Heart every day, you start living from Gratitude and Love. And these are the most important exercises or focuspoints in life to manifest your Dreamlife.

If you want help with connecting and loving from the Heart, the Power within, and connecting with your Greatness, then you can use the Transformationtools here or services and book your live sessions here.

I wish you a true longlasting joyful fulfilled happy life living from the heart and the power within!

Much Love,

Having it all, but still feeling empty inside!

You are amazing and having it all.

Yes, you should have an amazing fullfilling life, but you don’t.

You feel empty inside, and whatever you do, this empty feeling does not go away.

We all the time want things and go after them in our lives.

Our whole lives exists of chasing goal after goal.

The moment we reach them, it isn’t that exciting anymore.

Whatever we had thought of, we don’t feel it when we have it, or we do, but it isn’t lasting long.

So the reality is, that we keep on feeling this emptyness inside. And whatever we do it doesn’t go away.

Does this feel like you? Does this feel like your life?

This is what most people experience.

They do everything to achieve their goals, and when they do, they don’t get what they had in mind.

It feels so different than they expected to.

Don’t give up, because there is a solution. Yes, there is.

Everything has to do with your feeling of not enough.

A feeling of not good enough of this and that.

This all goes away when you fully start to heal your Inner Divine Child, that is craving for love. Craving to be heird and seen.

Your inner child is the child that didn’t got the affection and love in their childhood. The child that wanted to fit in. To be seen. To fully get all the attention from their parents, teachers and other caretakers.

This is still playing a huge part in your adulthood.

You are looking for that love everywhere.

You are constantly looking for acknowledgement and attention from everywhere.

This is not bad. This is just the way it is.

And this can be changed and solved forever!!

So that you can live your dreamlife and having it all and feel fullfilled, loved, enough, worthy and perfect.

Yes, then you can live a life of perfection, because it is supposed to be that way.

You are so loved everywhere. You are perfect and worthy exactly as you are.

You are unique for a reason!

Love yourself up now!

Give that Inner Divine Child all the affection, love and attention that it craves for all of your life. It is all the love that you’ve missed in your childhood and also later in your adulthood.

You are so worthy of all the love in the world and of living your dreamlife.

Love yourself up now. Nothing is selfish about that.

You are the one who has to give the best example of how you want to be treated in your life!

You are amazing, beautiful and magnificent. Love yourself up now!

You are so worth it!

You deserve a fullfilling, abundant, healthy, mesmerizing, joyful, loving and exciting life!

And not only looking on the outside, but also truly feel this within.

So that everyone around you gets mesmerized and want to know what you did.

Do you need help with this? How to heal the inner child and build your self-esteem and use the law of attraction to manifest your dreamlife? You are so worth it! You deserve a life of love, abundance and optimal health! See here how I can help you.

It is time that you are going to live your highest greatest life possible! You so deserve it!

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