This version of Shine Your Divine Greatness; General Terms and Conditions is effective as of version 1: 01-01-2025

Article 1 Introduction

1.1 For the readability of the document I have chosen the ā€œIā€ form. Where “I” or “my” is used, the company Shine Your Divine Greatness is meant.

1.2 Shine Your Divine Greatness is an online service, but the postadres is located at Meidoornpad 1 3828 CN Hoogland, Netherlands. The company is registered as Shine Your Divine Greatness with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KvK) under number: 96058064.

1.3 Please contact: info@shineyourdivinegreatness.com

Article 2 Conditions for participation in programs and others services and products

2.1 Both private individuals and entrepreneurs can participate in Shine Your Divine Greatness programs; High End Coachings, High End Transformation Program, The Emotion Code sessions, Personal Readings and Healings and Online Courses and Selfesteemboosters, Courses and Memberships and TransformationTools.

2.2 In Shine Your Divine Greatness programs the knowledge, experience and tools are shared. In addition to following the program, you must reserve sufficient time for the assignments yourself. I cannot guarantee that following my programs will generate success in your life or business. However, I will make every effort to ensure that you have the right tools to successfully follow and complete my programs and courses. And I am available for you within the limits for the duration of the program. The support I offer depends on which package you purchase. The support is described on the website of the various programs.

2.3 Live Coaching sessions, The Emotion Code sessions, Personal Readings, Healings, Mindsetsessions can be canceled up to 24 hours in advance and you can immediately schedule a new appointment. A new appointment must always take place within the duration of the program. I do not guarantee that I will have room in my calendar to catch up on a conversation. If the conversation is canceled later than 24 hours in advance, the coaching conversation will be canceled and cannot be made up for.

Article 3 Not good money back guarantee and / or trial period

3.1 I think it is important that my participants are satisfied, so I have a money back guarantee with the products where it says that there is a trialperiod. This is not for other services and products where nothing is said about a trial period. When a product has a trial period, you can cancel your participation free of charge no later than 14 days after the start of the program. You can cancel by sending an email to info@shineyourdivinegreatness.com. If you have already made payments, I will refund these amounts as soon as possible. You do, however, need to hand in all received course material.

3.2 After the 14 day period it is no longer possible to cancel participation in the program and you must pay the full participation fee. You explicitly agree here that Book 7, Title 7 paragraph 1 article 408 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek BES Boek7 ) does not apply and that premature termination is not possible.

Article 4 Prices and payment

4.1 Some prices of my Courses and Programs and TransformationTools are listed on www.shineyourdivinegreatness.com and some are requested by email and I will let you know.
4.2 Payment can be made in one go or in installments. If you pay the participant fee in installments, the obligation to pay remains even after completion of the program.

4.3 If you are behind with payments in terms of live coaching, sessions, emotion code sessions or readings and healings, mindsetsessions, I reserve the right to cancel the session and suspend my obligations until you have paid the relevant term(s). After payment you can make a new appointment for the session, but the session must take place within the duration of the program. I do not guarantee that I will still have room in my calendar to catch up on a conversation. If you have received an invoice for the services and / or products provided by me, you then have 14 days to pay it. If you do not pay within the set period, you will receive a payment reminder from me and you then have another 7 days to pay it. If you also do not pay this payment reminder, your account will be (temporarily) blocked with the online membership and you will receive a second reminder. After this second payment reminder, you again have 7 days to pay it. If you do not pay for this second payment reminder either, you will no longer have access to the online environment of the services and / or products you have requested. We reserve the right, if you refuse to pay or have paid several times late, to permanently block access to the online environment (individual courses and / or products and / or the online membership Mission of Love Academy) without refund of membership fees or installments already paid by you.

4.4 If you participate in a membership “in the Academy” you have access to it as long as you are a member. If you cancel your membership, access will expire from the date your membership is terminated. You are not allowed to distribute or share paid content that is only available to members of the Academy (or other paid programs) with people who are not members. If this does happen, we reserve the right to terminate your membership without a refund of previously paid membership fees.

4.5 Canceling the “Academy” Online Membership:
You can cancel the “Academy ” online membership before the new invoice is sent (by email)or before the renewal date. If your new invoice for the new period has been sent, it must of course be paid by you. There are no exceptions to this.

4.5 Offers, prices or quotations do not automatically apply to future programs or quotations.

Article 5 Intellectual property / use of materials.

5.1 I own the intellectual property rights on the texts and materials of the program. You may use the materials during and after the program. It is not allowed to share it with third parties unless I have given written permission for this.
5.2 It is also not permitted to sell the acquired knowledge commercially or to include it in your own program, unless I have given written permission for this.

Article 6 Materials and Licenses

6.1 I strive to keep the materials online accessible to my participants for life, but I cannot guarantee this. If I am going to delete the materials, or move them to another url, I will always notify you by email 3 (three) months in advance, so that you are able to download or save them in another way. I will always send this message to the last email address you gave me. Failure to provide a new email address is at your risk.

Article 7 Complaints

7.1 If you are dissatisfied with the program or any part of the program or with my support, you must let me know as soon as possible by sending me an email. I will receive from you a description of the complaint that is as clear as possible, so that I am able to respond and if the complaint is justified, to rectify it. I cannot process a complaint that is not clearly described.
7.2 Complaints must be reported to me within 14 days of following a particular program component. If you report the complaint later, you are no longer entitled to repair, replacement or compensation. 7.3 Complaints submitted will be answered within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeable longer processing time, a reply will be given within 14 days with a confirmation of receipt and an indication when a more detailed answer can be expected.
7.4 Even if you send a complaint, your obligation to pay will continue to exist.

Article 8 Liability

8.1 Barring intent or deliberate recklessness, my total liability due to an attributable shortcoming in the performance of the agreement or for any other reason is limited to compensation for direct damage up to a maximum of the amount of the price stipulated for that agreement, excluding VAT . 8.2 Liability for indirect damage, such as; consequential damage, loss of profit, lost savings, reduced goodwill, damage due to business interruption, etc. is excluded.
8.3 In the event of an attributable failure, you must first give me written notice of default, with a reasonable period of time, so that I am able to fulfill my obligations, or to correct any errors, or to limit or eliminate damage.

Article 9 Privacy

9.1 I take the privacy of my participants seriously and I only use your personal data in the context of my services. I adhere to the legal rules regarding the Protection of Personal Data.

Article 10 Other

10.1 Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions only apply if they have been agreed in writing between me and you.
10.2 If one or more provisions in these General Terms and Conditions are wholly or partially null and void or should be destroyed, the other provisions in these General Terms and Conditions will remain fully applicable. We will then enter into consultation to agree on new provisions to replace them, whereby the purpose and purport of the original provisions will be observed as much as possible. 10.3 In writing is also understood to mean by email.

Article 11 Disputes

11.1 In case of disputes, we will always do our best to resolve the dispute between ourselves, before submitting a dispute to the court.
11.2 If we cannot reach a mutual agreement, we will submit disputes to the court.

Article 12 Applicable law

12.1 This agreement is governed by Dutch law.

Article 13 Changes to the conditions

13.1 I am authorized to make changes to these conditions. These changes will take effect at the time announced.
13.2 I will send you the amended terms and conditions by e-mail in a timely manner. If no time is specified, the changes will take effect for you as soon as you have received the change.