The Emotion Code

The emotion code is from America and Created by Dr. Bradley Nelson after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher, The Emotion Code™ is designed to help you with physical discomfort and much more.

Dr Bradley Nelson

This energy healingmethod, the emotion code can help, if…. :

  • you want to get rid of emotional baggage that is the cause of physical pain of illnesses, emotional and mental illnesses
  • you want to release the heartwall and open your heart fully
  • you want more abundance in your life
  • you want better relationships in your life
  • you want to align body, mind and soul
  • you want to attract your Soulfamily
  • you want to boost your health
  • you want to create more succes
  • you want to help your kid
  • you want to help your animal
  • you want to help more generations
  • you want more inner peace
  • you want a more balanced and happy life

 ‘’Your life looks great on instagram,

but feeling empty inside!’’

Are you ready to start your new life? A new life free of old trapped emotions and with an open heart?

Per session we release 4 a 14 trapped emotions. Your subconscious knows exactly how much released trapped emotions is recommended for you.

Emotion/Bodycode sessions online:

Intake is 30 minutes, follow up is 20 minutes.

Do you want a package with discount? Your investment in yourself is:

  • 99,-  euros per session
  • 399,- euros for 5 sessions
  • 924,- euros for 12 sessions
  • 1500,- euros for 20 sessions
  • 3700,-  euros for 50 sessions

A Combination of an Emotion/Bodycode session online with extra Holistic Coaching working on your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual/Energetical Body:

  • 150 euros for 45 minutes each online remote session
  • 277 euros for 90 minutes each online remote session
  • 997 euros discountpackage of 7 sessions a 45 minutes
  • 2000 euros discountpackage of 15 sessions a 45 minutes

There are also other possibilities of combinations of a bigger package with healingsessions with Emotion/Bodycode sessions, or High End Transformation All-in Live or online sessions.

Contact me for your first emotion code session or for the other combinations or what you would like to combine, let me know. You can always ask.

Your body can handle one session a day. So each next day you can do another session if preferred.

Contact me for your first session of your new abundant life full of Joy and Love!

The law of attraction is always working in your life. If you are conscious of it or not. You will always attract what your subconscious is sending out, not perse what you conscious want. Only if this is aligned.

When you have a lot of emotional bagage stored in your body, then this is sending out signals. Signals of things you do not want to attract in your life. Your subconscious is always running.

If you release all emotional bagage, then you are completely pure and your conscious is aligned with your subconscious. You attract the things you want in your life.

Do you want more loving relationships, more abundance, more good health and more inner peace and joy in your life?

Contact me for your first emotion code session.


” Jamie is a very sweet loving person, where you feel immediately comfortable and relaxed.” Whishal

”Thank you for helping my baby son with his sleeping problems. He is sleeping much better. I saw an improvement every day. This morning, he almost didn’t complain at all. Thank you Jamie for helping him! ” Alexis

It was a real pleasure to work with Jamie on my trapped emotions. She is so positive and supportive no matter what you are going through. It was very refreshing. Session after session, I felt it was working both mentally, we brought up memories I had completely forgotten and didn’t know were still affecting me, and physically, once I felt something unlock in my chest and I could actually breathe much deeper.” Maxime

”I had a pressure on my chest and tightness and the feeling that I was picking up everyone’s energy and storing it in my body, which caused even more heaviness. After 1 session it was immediately gone. And that while I have been walking around with it for a long time.” Anniek

”First of all, I want to emphasize what a loving and warm woman Jamie is. By having that feeling already in the pocket, I started to expose my issues to her. Which is certainly not easy, but she gives you the nice feeling that it’s allowed and can be done. For years I have been trying to make myself understand who I am and why I am who I am. Lately suppressed emotions came up that were inexplicable to me. After the sessions it felt a bit awkward because your body and system have to get used to it. What has felt like a block for years has disappeared. I feel so much lighter and understand things much better now. For me it’s magical that you get so close to yourself in such a short time through this method of The Emotion Code. Much better than being busy for years with all kinds of journeys where you have to delve deep into your emotions. This is definitely recommended! For heart and soul. Definitely worth it. Thanks Jamie for this beautiful experience!’‘ Inya

”Every Emotion Code session it’s like literally pounds are falling off of you.” Jacey

”I had a session done for my son who didn’t want to sleep in his own bed. To months of trying everything and it didn’t work out. After 1 Emotion Code session he slept effortlessly in his bed and this went on for weeks.’‘ Fynn

”I had done a session for my dog which was quite aggressive and after 1 session he behaved very differently when there were visitors and was not aggressive at all but was suddenly very enthusiastic and happy.” Nico

”My horse suffered from a lot of things. She was also always afraid of the farrier. After the Emotion Code session, for the first time, she wasn’t scared and didn’t even have to pooh. She is normally very scared. For the first time, she didn’t seem stressed at all.” Fame

I can’t explain it, but I really feel a lot lighter. I’m very grateful for the Emotion code sessions. Thank you!” Anna

”The first two sessions when removing the heartwall I couldn’t really feel the difference yet, but as soon as the heartwall was gone I felt a lot lighter every week. I can’t explain exactly what, but it’s a big difference that gradually goes into everything.” Tina

”My cat was always very stressed and anxious around children. After a session she was suddenly very relaxed and it seemed completely gone.” Luna

”I was very depressed and every day was very hard for me. After each session it was clear that something had changed. Even after the first Emotion Code session I felt happy all day and I couldn’t explain it. Very unreal but very nice.” Joep

”I had two newborns and my dog got a little aggressive, so I tried a Emotion Code session. After the session she was so much more relax and not aggresive.’‘ Linda

”I had done a session for my little daughter because she had so much anger in her and everything quickly became a big drama. Lots of tantrums that lasted for a very long time. After a few Emotion Code sessions and the removal of the heartwall, I didn’t experience it anymore from her and it has been months now. It turned out she picked up a lot of my emotions when I was depressed myself. So these stuck emotions weren’t even hers and caused her a lot of problems.” Sem

”When the heartwall was gone after a couple of sessions I felt so much lighter. Everything in my life became lighter and much more joy. Also when I get upset now it is gone in a instant. The old pain is gone. What a relief to find this amazing method. Thank you!” Marianne

More testimonials here.

‘’You are unique, so is your transformation!’’