How to feel good all the time?

How to feel good and experience true Joy, when you are looking for a meaningful life and you don’t know where to look anymore?

People are so living an empty and meaningless life, living from the physical body and thinking that the physical life is all that is. Thinking and controlling their way through life.

Or you already know there is more in life, but it still feels unreachable and you are still living mostly from the thinking mind and the physical body, wanting to control all of life.

They are constantly looking outside of them to look for joy and fullfillment. Someone to complete them or their lives. Or that job or that amount of money or that car or more businesses, then I will finally feel fullfilled or joyeus or complete or happy.
But it doesn´t come. It doesn´t happen. The emptyness stayes…

Another house. Another vacation. Another car or job. Another kid. Marrying.

”And still the emptyness stayes…..”

Then they think, maybe something is wrong with them and they want more therapy or medications. Again still all outside of them.

And so again they change a thing in the outside and looking for something outside of them that will fullfill that emptyness. That unhappy feeling. That restlessness.

The worries and stress become more.

”Maybe more drugs or alcohol or sex or extra shopping will help?”

But it fullfils for a moment and then the emptyness comes back. And they feel even worse.
And so they get more depressed, restless, giving up or self-sabotaging even more.

But finally its a good thing, because it brings you back to yourself.
And the only way you will find peace, fullfillment, joy, completion, is when you go inside.
“Depressed” is really “deep rest”. Your body wants that deep rest inside of yourself and find that Inner Power there. There is where your solution is. Inside of you. In your heart.

Go to your heart.
What do you truly desire?
What gives the unique YOU, true meaning?
What gives your life true meaning and purpose?
Why are you here?
What are your unique gifts and talents?
What and whom gives you energy, upliftment?
What are you here to give in the world?
How can you serve others in the world?

What is the relationship with yourself? Because this will determine how your life will look on the outside and how happy and fullfilled you feel.
Do you love yourself?
Do you value yourself highly?
Do you believe you are worthy?
Do you believe you are enough?
Do you have a high self-esteem?

All these questions, you have to ask yourself. Answer that from your heart and not from your thinking head.
All your answers and solutions are within your heart.

If it is difficult to feel and be in your heart, but you really want to change your life for the better, then you have to do whatever it takes to make this connection with your Heart. That is where your actions and real focus has to be.

Not trying to change all those things in the outside, that will never bring you what you truly desire.

Become determint to do whatever it takes to feel your Heart again and make a connection with the Divine Power inside of you. And yes, that will bring you all the answers and solutions you will seek in life. It will bring you that True Joy and happiness and fullfilment in every moment, if you live from the heart and that Connection with your Divine Inner Power.

That is where your true power and control is. From the Heart. From your true desires. From your true purpose and a life of meaning.
Then you are going to experience that all of life is supporting you on your journey. And the right ideal people, help and circumstances come your way.
You feel so much more loved and the Universe is on your side.
You will experience more the flow state of life.

”You are going to find that calm and peace in yourself, that is always there and with you in every moment.”

You are going to feel that you have an immense Power inside of you that is always with you in every moment and that you only have to trust and that you are never alone. That you are supported in every moment and that you can handle everything that comes your way.
And you will experience that there is a much greater plan at work for you.

You really have to understand that you can not find what you are looking for, outside of you. You have to find it in yourself first and then it will be reflected in the outside world.
Your true Power is within.
You have all that Divine Greatness inside of you to light up the whole world. No one outside of you can do it for you. This is your work in this life. Find that Light, that greatness inside of you.

When you live from the Heart every day, you start living from Gratitude and Love. And these are the most important exercises or focuspoints in life to manifest your Dreamlife.

If you want help with connecting and loving from the Heart, the Power within, and connecting with your Greatness, then you can use the Transformationtools here or services and book your live sessions here.

I wish you a true longlasting joyful fulfilled happy life living from the heart and the power within!

Much Love,

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