Life throws challenge after challenge at your path.
How are you going to deal with all of this?
How are you coming stronger out of it and even more calm and resilïent than before?
Normally you go through life from your ‘’survivalsystem’’ or ‘’go go go overdrive system’’. See my last blog that I wrote about those systems, as also the ‘’calm and content system’’.
When you become present in life, you automatically come in the ‘’calm and content system.’’ You calm the body and mind. Then you take a step back from life and observe life.
You observe and focus on breathing.
You realize that you are not your thoughts.
You realize that you are not your feelings.
You do not identify with your thoughts or feelings. You just observe them. They just are and you let them be.
”You are not judging them and stay in non-judgement mode.”
Nothing is good or bad in life. You are not identifying with it.
They are just clouds passing by.
You stay present, observe and just watch the thoughts and feelings as clouds passing by.
You are not that. You are not your thoughts and feelings.
Your thoughts and feelings go up and down. It is like a rollercoaster.
You feel good. You feel bad.
You feel joy. You feel sad.
You feel angry. You feel relieved.
”The journey of life is a rollercoaster of emotions. Just feel them as they come.”
They want to be seen and heard. They want to be felt and expressed.
Then just go further with your life. Only observe them. They are not you. They are just clouds passing by.
Its the same like a kid. They can feel really sad or angry and a moment later they forgot about everything and laugh out loud. They just let the feelings passing by. Feeling and expressing it. Not mentally labeling it and going further with life.
You will find your true longlasting joy and fulfilling happiness, when you stay present and not identify with the emotions and thoughts that pass by.
Feel them and go further. Don’t jugde them as bad or good. They just are. They are here because your Soul wants them to be expressed through you. Thats it. Period! Don’t make more of it.
All the thoughts and emotions are just an experience for the Soul. Not more than that.
Crying is just salty tears falling over your cheeks. Its just that. Don’t give it more meaning.
”Everything just is as it is. Just an experience for the Soul.”
Everything that happens in your life, is just chosen by the Soul and an experience for the Soul.
Just let all your emotions flow through you without judgement and accept it. By accepting it, you don’t have resistance to it and life will become so much more easier and fun for you.
When you resist this moment or that feeling, you resist Life. So never resist anything, because you will resist Life. And when you resist life in every moment, you resist the life-flow that wants to flow through you and blockages on all areas will come.
Life wants to be expressed through you. Just live your life as it happens. Everything is here for the reason to be experienced and expressed by the Soul through you.
Just be the observer of Life and accept what the Soul has in plan for you in any given moment and don’t identify with any thought or emotion. Its not you.
”Just Be!”
If you want help with this, then you can find all of these transformationtools on the website here or book your livesessions or more info about it here.
I wish you the best and that you become so resilient and shine so bright, that you will feel this contentment and true happiness in every moment.
Have a great fantastic bright shining day!
Much Love,
Shine Your Divine Greatness