Observe life and live from the Heart

All emotions are there for a purpose. A purpose to be felt and expressed through you.

Don’t judge and label lower vibrational feelings like anger, sadness, shame or guilt as bad. They just are. (Read this last blog that I wrote about it.)

Become the observer.

Take a step back.

”Go sit in your heart and watch your life from that safe place.”

This will help you thoughout life, to not identify with all your thoughts and emotions.

All the problems and issues in life exist, because people are identified with all their thoughts and emotions, that become beliefs. Those beliefsystems create a complete identity that is build on the stories that make a person.

Life is full of challenges and they will never stop. Challenges are part of the game of life. The Soul chooses for every life to evolve, grow, expand and ascend. Challenges are ways to evolve quickly and sometimes massively.

If we would not grow or evolve, life has no purpose to exist, because this is its purpose. And so the Soul chooses all kinds of challenges during our lifetimes. Every thing in existance experiences challenges, even the plants and animals and so many more.

Be present in your heart and so in your body as much as possible on a day. This will help you with not identifying with thoughts and emotions as they pass by.

”This will make you more resiliënt and stronger.”

You will live your Divine Greatness when you live from the heart and from Presence in you.

This will help you manifest your dreamlife and feel longlasting joy in yourself. No matter what challenges Life throws at you. No matter what challenges you are facing outside of you.

The Power is within. The true power is in your heart and in Presence, the essence of what you truly are.

From living from the heart, you will take this inner joy, inner happiness, inner peace, inner fulfillment and contentment with you in every moment.

”Now you don’t need things or people in the outside world to complete you.”

Now you are in your full power.

Now you are living your Greatness.

You are fully connected with your true essence, with your true power from within. Your Divinity.

”You are now going to

live your

Divine Greatness.”

You are Presence.

You are loving awareness.

You are Divine Love.

When there is a lot going on outside in your life, you feel stressed and not safe. You are acting from your survivalsystem.

”You feel safe again, when you shift to your calm and contentsystem.”

There are many ways to come here, who I am describing in other blogs and in my products, courses and services, but I will give you here some tips.

When you become present, go sit in your heart, in this safe haven. Make a picture for yourself. Visualize a chair in your spiritual heart and go sit in here and watch life from this observer place within your body.

Every time when you focus on sitting on this chair in your heart, you are completely safe and calm. This place makes you feel content, safe and joyful, in an instant. This is your safe haven and where all the true power is.

Be present in your heart and observe life from this safe and calm place. Nothing can touch you in this place. You have this with you always. You feel relax, calm and content here.

”This is the place where the magic happens. This is the place, where you feel trust again.”

When you focus on this place in your heart, calm yourself down by focussing on your breathing.

Breathing is life and will help you to calm every situation down.

Make the breath soft and gentle, but deep. Always in, through your nose, and you can breathe out, through your mouth, releasing all tension.

When you focus from your heart, from within your body, on your breath, you are immediatly shifted from your ‘’survivalsystem’’ to your ‘’calm and contentsystem’’. Your nervoussystem is calm now and working for you.

As a next step you focus on gratitude, because this will enhance manifesting your dreamlife. Gratitude is a Golden Tool for the magic, the good, the great and the best in life.

”If you want to shift from survival, suffering, stress and that emptiness in life to a magical dreamlife that does have a longlasting fullfilling joy and happiness and completes you, in all ways?”

Start then with living from the heart, focussing on presence and gratitude and you will live your Divine Greatness. You will shine so bright, shining your Divine Greatness, that all others around you, want to know what you did, that you changed so much positively and that you are living such a dreamlife now.

And not a ‘’dreamlife’’ that looks like a dreamlife of having it all, but feeling empty and unhappy from the inside. (read this blog that I wrote about earlier).

No, a true dreamlife, that fullfills you in every way, from the inside and outside that is bringing even so much more love in the world, because you are contagiously shining so bright.

”Everyone wants to know

what your secret is!”

If you want help with this, then you can find all of these transformationtools on the website here or book your livesessions or want more info here.

I wish for you that you are living from the heart and feel this lasting inner contentment and true happiness in every moment. I wish you that you live and shine your Divine Greatness!

Have a great amazing bright shining day!

Much Love,


Shine Your Divine Greatness

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