Hire Jamie for your Business

This is for BUSINESSOWNERS who want more productivity in their business and want the numbers up.

You want the best for yourself and your employees and as a result this helps your whole company.

This Wellbeing Program that Jamie is offering is for your employees to become or stay healthy on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual/energetical level.

Jamie will use more techniques to provide an overall health.


Body Code sessions in online video calls

Online Workshop 2 hours by Zoom (Read further for more info about the workshop)

This is for you, when you want to boost productivity and reduce absenteeism. And if you don’t want your employees to feel burned-out, stressed, suffering, mental disbalans, feeling empty, cluttered mind, negative mood, fatigue, overwhelmed, poor health and relationships aren’t flowing positively, anxiety and panic attacks, imsomnia and so influence the whole company with their low energy.

Employees and the culture of the business is all, when this is uplifted, the numbers go up in the business.

Lift the numbers up, by lifting your whole team up.

  • Improvement on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level
  • More productive and creative
  • Building resilience
  • More relaxed, calm state of being
  • More coherent state of being and is a high performance state
  • More clarity and focus, an enhanced state of mind
  • More positive and inspiring others in the business and there private situation with this ripple-effect
  • More living in gratitude and appreciation
  • More balanced and in a flow state
  • More fullfilled, happy and joyful state of being
  • More energized
  • Stronger intuïtion
  • Longevity and vitality
  • More overall health

”Lets enjoy work and so enjoy life again! See all the little beautiful things in life and live life fully! Come in the flowstate.”

There is also an amazing NEW WORKSHOP

”Achieve your Super Power Abilities!’

that will inspire all of you!

ARE YOU A BUSINESSOWNER and do you want to get numbers up AND help all of your employees? The better they are feeling and more resiliënt, the more the productivity and creativity goes up and less stress, overwhelm and burn-outs.

Jamie has been through so many extreme challenges and multiple times lost almost everything in life. And every time, bounched back even stronger and more resiliënt, with even much more insights, knowledge and wisdom to share.

She has an amazing powerful drive to learn from all she has been through and transform them into tools to help others with this, that are also going through challenges. And ofcourse life is full of challenges, in all areas of life.

What are the tools? So that you achieve your superpower abilities!

You are much more powerful than you think! When you change your perception, and so your story, then you change your identity. Because the story you keep on telling yourself, you become.

So what is the story you want to tell? How do you want to change? Do you want to become more powerful and resiliënt?

That no matter what comes your way, you can handle it all.

In this workshop, you come to know that you truly can handle everything and you can overcome every challenge and get great benefits from it.

You are truly going to stand in your full power and hining your Divine Greatness, wherever you go.

When you change your identity, you change your behaviour. And when that is changed, you completely changed your future positively!

So know that you can’t changed what happened to you or is happening to you in a challenge you are currently are at, at home or at work or in health or in parenthood or financially. Know that you can’t change the story of what has happened, but you can change how you perceive this now. You can change what questions you are asking about it.

And the answer to this leads to all the tools in this workshop, that will help you achieve your superpower abilities fast.

Time: 2 hours

Do you want to know more and what the costs are?

Send an email.